1 \ Agenda of the Opposition of the Urban Guard of Barcelona


1 \ Agenda of the Opposition of the Urban Guard of Barcelona

The contents of this syllabus are developed in the following thematic units:

  • The Spanish Constitution.
  • L’Estatut de Autonomy de Catalunya 2006.
  • The local Spanish regime. 
  • The municipal organization.
  • The administrative procedure.
  • The legal framework of State security: Security Forces and Bodies. Organic Law 2/1986.
  • Police deontological code. Law 16/1991, of July 10, on local police.
  • Law 4/2003, of April 7, on the management of the Public Security system of Catalonia.
  • The territorial organization of the State.
  • The Municipal Charter. 
  • Principles of action of the public Administration.
  • Ordinance on measures to promote and guarantee citizen coexistence in the public space of Barcelona.
  • Ordinance on the use of roads and public space in Barcelona.
  • Barcelona pedestrian and vehicle circulation ordinance.
  • Actions related to citizen security. The judicial police. Habeas corpus.
  • Rights, duties and remuneration of officials. 
  • The indelitat in the custody of documents and violation of secrets. 
  • Incompatibilities and disciplinary regime of officials. 1 \ Agenda of the Opposition of the Urban Guard of Barcelona

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