1. Introduction
1. Introduction
History of artificial vision. Human vision. Computer-assisted vision system. Disciplines related to Computer Vision.
2 \ Optics: 1. Introduction
Basic concepts. Quality of an optician. Types of lenses. Filters.
3 \ Lighting: 1. Introduction
Basic concepts. Light sources. Colour. Lighting techniques. Color lighting.
4 \ Maintenance Policy: 1. Introduction
What is called a maintenance policy? Choice of type of maintenance. When to replace a team? Implementation of effective maintenance policy. Outsourced maintenance.
5 \ Cameras: 1. Introduction
Basic concepts. Type of sensors. Sensor format. Sensor size. Data output. Color cameras and monochrome cameras. Types of cameras.
6 \ Frame Grabbers
Frame Grabbers. PCI or PCI Express. GenIcam. Vision systems.
7 \ Software
Classification of vision software. Introduction to Sherlock.
8 \ Pre-processed
Types of Pre-processing. Pre-processes that we found in Sherlock. Histogram.
9 \ Processed
Jump Detectors. Code readers. Search (pattern finders). Blobs analyzer. Statistical algorithms. Functions to analyze color. Aligment.
10 \ 3D Technology
3D technologies. 3D systems. 3D image processing software. Applications.