1 \ Legal Part

1. The Spanish Constitution of 1978.

2. The Constitutional Court.

3. The Cortes Generales and the Ombudsman.

4. The Judicial Power.

5. The Government and the Administration.

6. The General State Administration.

7. The territorial organization of the State.

8. Organization of the European Union.

9. Submission of the Administration to the Law and the Law. 10. The administrative legal relationship.

11. The administrative act. Concept, classes and elements. 12. Administrative procedure.

13. Policies for gender equality. Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for the effective equality of women and men. Organic Law 1/2004, of December 28, on comprehensive protection measures against gender violence.

14. Basic regulatory framework on occupational risk prevention. Law 31/1995, on the prevention of occupational hazards. Royal Decree 39/1997, Regulation of prevention services. Basic rights and duties in the prevention of occupational hazards.

15. Specialties of the administrative procedure in the local sphere.

16. Forms of administrative action. 17. The Spanish Local Regime.

18. The Municipality.

19. The Province.

20. Other Local Entities.

21. Special study of tax revenues.

22. Budget of Local Entities.

23. Local public spending.

24. The Local Haciendas.

25. The assets of the Local Entities.

26. Administrative contracting in the local sphere. 27. Personnel at the service of Local Entities.

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