10 keys to SEO optimization of the URL structure 


10 keys to SEO optimization of the URL structure 

SEO optimization of URLs is the first step to an effective positioning strategy

10 keys to SEO optimization of the URL structure (2019)


The URL is part of the basic structure of any web page. In fact, it is one of the most important factors in climbing search engine rankings. For this reason, URL SEO optimization is possibly the first step of the entire web positioning strategy.

What is URL? 

The URL is a very specific address of the resources found on the internet. Basically, it is what allows communication between the user and the server where the website is hosted. 

Structure of a URL

In general, URLs are made up of four parts: 

Protocol : Currently http and https can be used. The latter is more recommended, because it is encrypted to protect user information.

Subdomain: It is understood as a subgroup that is linked to a main domain. We generally recognize it by the “www”.  

Domain : the domain is the identity of the site on the internet, which translates the IP address of the assets found on the web.

Top Level Domain: It is the extension that accompanies the domain. For example: .com, .es, .com.pe, etc.

Typically, URLs have multiple levels, which make the address longer. Namely:

Sub folders: These are the categories subject to the main domain. Example: Contenttu.com/blog

Page: Refers to the address of the specific page. For example: contenttu. com / blog / seo-url

According to the studies carried out by MOZ , a good SEO URL should be structured as follows:

  • ✔ Domain
  • ✔ Subdomain
  • ✔ Subfolder
  • ✔ Page

How to apply SEO optimization in URL 

seo url

To begin, let’s take a look at the list of Backlinko (SEO specialist), about the 200 characteristics that the Google algorithm takes into account to position content.

  • ✔ The size of the URL
  • ✔ The structure of URLs.
  • ✔ The use of the keyword in the URL
  • ✔ The URL string

So there are four preponderant factors, in terms of URL, for effective SEO optimization. 

Best practices to optimize URL SEO

Good SEO starts from your domain

The domain must be related to your brand or your services. And preferably, have a known TLD. According to Search Engine Land, a good SEO URL structure with a “.com” or “.pe” TLD produces better results than a “.biz” or “.pro” TLD. Especially since well-known TLDs build trust in users.

Add the keyword

We recommend including your keyword in the URL. Although this optimization supposedly no longer has weight for Google’s algorithm, there are hundreds of pages that rank by exact match. So, it is better not to put this old practice aside. The really important thing is that you do not abuse the keyword or you will be penalized.

The shorter, the faster it is positioned 

According to Backlinko, the shorter the URLs, the better for the ranking. To test this hypothesis, they tested a large number of URLs. The study showed that the ranking level plummets when the number of words increases. So between 50 and 60 characters are ideal for a good SEO URL. More specifically, between three and five words.

In your SEO URLs use the hyphen

Google recommends using hyphens (-) to separate the words in the URL. That way, your spiders crawl the content in less time.

Do not use capital letters or strange characters

Capitalizing can cause redirection problems on some servers. And in relation to strange characters, all letters must correspond to the English alphabet, otherwise they will not be welcome in the URL. Neither accents, nor eñes, for example.

Articles or connectives

It is advisable to eliminate conjunctions and prepositions that do not add value to the URL. This will make it easier for Google’s algorithm to track. For instance: 

Good: / seo-url

Bad: / keys-for-URL-optimization

SEO URL with HTTPS protocol 

url seo https

Cyberattacks are becoming more and more frequent today. Many countries have even opened cybersecurity agencies attached to the state police to hunt down digital criminals.  

That is why it is advisable to use the secure HTTPS protocol. Which is the secure version of the “hypertext transfer protocol”, but with the ending “secure”.

Also, this factor is being taken into account for SEO. According to Searchmetrics , “The secure HTTPS protocol is becoming more relevant and even a ranking signal for Google.”

An effective SEO URL must have good readability

MOZ states that “A well-made URL gives users and search engines an easy clue to understand what the destination page is about.” So our obligation is to ensure that the URLs have the highest degree of readability possible.


The construction of SEO URLs depends on many variables:

✔ Choose a quality domain, with Https protocol

✔ Opt for a known TDL, such as “.com” or “.pe”

✔ Incorporate keywords

✔ Separate terms by mediso hyphens

✔ Try to be brief

✔ Eliminate conjunctions and prepositions

✔ Don’t include strange characters

✔ Try to make the URL that directs to the different blog articles, be of the first level

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