10 tips for your first steps in Red Dead Redemption 2


10 tips for your first steps in Red Dead Redemption 2

What do you need to know to get off to a good start on Arthur Morgan’s adventure? Quick and useful tips!

Red Dead Redemption 2 just went on sale and the first sensation is impressive. There’s so much to do that it’s hard to tidy yourself up! That is why in 3DJuegos , we have already finished the fabulous story of Arthur Morgan, and of which you can find out our opinion in the analysis of Red Dead Redemption 2 , so we can give you a series of small tips to start that can be quite useful. Some are quite logical, while others do require more knowledge about the video game.


Want to get off to a good start in the new Rockstar game ? Follow these ten tips to make life a little easier in the Wild West of RDR2 .


Don’t get overwhelmedRed Dead Redemption 2

Let’s start with the easiest one, and one that may sound a bit obvious. But it seems to us that it is the most important to start with. Red Dead Redemption 2 presents endless possibilities and things to do, and you have to be aware of taking care of Arthur and that he is well fed and rested, but also of contributing to the band, listening to what they tell you, paying attention to their needs, contribute money or game… Are you starting to get overwhelmed? We have good news. No reason!


In the first place, because Rockstar does not want to force you to do anything beyond being aware of the protagonist, not excessively, and the adventure continues to progress perfectly if you ignore the band and their demands. And, secondly, because you will quickly realize that the studio has very well introduced the rhythm of the news and the elements that you have to pay attention to. Still, we insist… Don’t be overwhelmed!


Patience with the targetRed Dead Redemption 2 image

Another thing that seems silly, but is tremendously important. When we have a game in our hands, and even more so if it is as expected as this one, the instinctive reaction of the exit is usually to start playing and playing without worrying much about everything else. However, Arthur Morgan’s handling of weapons is a bit special and it is advisable to get as comfortable as possible with him. By default it appears in auto-pointing both for horse and for walking, and for the first hours it does not seem like a negligible option at all. When you start to feel comfortable with how the covers, reloads and the rest of the peculiarities of the weapons (which have their own thing) work, you begin to feel free to change them to your liking.


There are endless options to customize it, of course you can set how much help you want from the game itself (from fully manual to fully automated with many degrees in between), but you can also specify characteristics such as the acceleration of the stick when aiming or pointing. move the camera as well as the dead zone of it. Practice, try and keep adjusting until you feel totally comfortable and Arthur is an extension of your body in the video game.


Understand the coresRed Dead Redemption 2 image

The subject of Arthur and his meters can be a bit complex to understand in the first instance but, in reality, well explained and assimilated it will play totally in your favor and it is interesting that you understand it from the beginning. There are three cores for Arthur and two for his horse. The three of the protagonist refer to his health, his resistance and the Dead Eye ability , and each of them consists of two parts. The circle itself and a line around it. The line that is around the one with a heart inside is your own health, that is to say that if they shoot you, it is the line that diminishes.


So what is the use of what is on the inner circumference? It’s so you know how much your health is going to regenerate. In other words, the fuller that meter is, the faster the bar will grow, which is what, after all, you want to have full. How to make that regeneration go faster? Eating or taking certain substances, so it is convenient to have in the inventory a wide assortment of medicines, tonics and, of course, food. Everything that you carry for all this tells you exactly what it is that regenerates and to what degree it does it, so it is interesting to have a certain variety.


Plan the actionRed Dead Redemption 2 image

As an open world that is Red Dead Redemption 2 , there will not be too many occasions when the action surprises you and you do not have the ability to react. In other words, most missions, assignments and even situations that are generated randomly will leave you a slight margin of maneuver that will allow you to plan. Remember that if, for example, you are going to besiege a base of an enemy band, you have binoculars that allow you to peek from a distance, and if possible from a great height, what are the challenges that the confrontation will have. It will be from then on when it is your turn to decide what you want to achieve, how you are going to do it and what tactic best suits your style of play.


Why do I say it? In the new Rockstar game you can only carry two short weapons and two long weapons, and you cannot store the latter two on your back, but if you carry both you will have to carry the second one in your hand … which renders you useless to use. two guns at the same time. This is not a GTA where you can absolutely carry your entire arsenal, here you have to choose with caution. So… You have to think! If you’re not good at stealth or think it won’t work in a certain context, don’t bother equipping a bow. If you think you can solve everything at a distance, take the sniper rifle out of your saddlebags and then we’ll see if you change it again for more devastating weapons in close range; for example, in case the situation requires getting closer. In short, try to be versatile because the game allows you to be,


The horse is your best allyRed Dead Redemption 2 image

This is a tip, but also a reminder. Rockstar wants that in RDR 2 you tighten all the ties that are possible with your horse, not by chance it is with whom you will spend the most time in the meadows and the rugged mountains of Red Dead Redemption 2. You can have several and have them tied on the posts from the base, or keep them in the stable of some cities and choose depending on what you need. Percherons, for example, are easily recognizable by their enormous size, and they are very sturdy but not too fast. The racing ones are much more streamlined and fibrous and are tremendously fast, but there are also others that are a more intermediate term. Of course, you can tame the wilds you come across or you can buy new mounts.


However, when you have a hard core of horses that you trust, you will feel that you no longer need many more. The more you focus on empowering one, the better for both of you. Better for him because he will feel loved and useful, and better for you because you will get the best benefits from him the more you use him. This is what Rockstar calls the link, and it allows us to improve it and unlock new actions. We can achieve this through attitudes of affection towards the animal such as caresses or reassuring it when it is scared, for example by the presence of a predator. Or simply by feeding it and keeping it clean for resistance. They are basic things, that barely take a few seconds and that you can do from time to time to be nail and flesh with your animals.


… And always have it at hand!Red Dead Redemption 2 image

The picture of seeing Arthur walking on foot and leading the horse by his side with the reins is really beautiful, but it is not only to impress. It has utility. Take a good look at the surroundings before doing anything, but if the thing is free of dangers, take the horse as close to you as possible, and if, for example, you are hunting and you fear that it will make a lot of noise with the trot, go very slowly or As I said, guide him to position by walking with him. Because it is important? In the first place, because if you leave it too far away, whistling won’t do any good, because it won’t hear you and it won’t reach you. And trust me, nothing is worse than being stranded without a horse with the great distances in the game.


Also, why is it important to have him around? Not only because if you are hunting animals or acting as a bounty hunter, it will be good to have him close to leave your prey on the rump. On the other hand, we have already told you that the horse carries the bulk of the weapons (you can see it in our commented gameplay of Red Dead Redemption 2 without spoilers ), so if there is any change of plans it will be good for you to have it more or less close to modify your arsenal …


Easy moneyRed Dead Redemption 2 image

At first money is tight, but it will be easy to end the story with several thousand dollars in your pocket. How do you not worry at first? It’s so tempting to stop by the gun store and start spending like crazy. Buy yourself the best rifle, customize it with all kinds of aesthetic details, choose some nice lines for the wood … But ask yourself this question: Do you really need it? At the beginning, save the money to buy absolutely essential things such as the food supplies that you may need, and even forget about tonics that you will end up obtaining based on looting. If you don’t want to leave out the people in the camp, contribute testimonial amounts so they don’t put you in doubt, but don’t go too far.


To get dollars with a more or less acceptable flow, do not pay so much attention to hunting and hides, which give quite meager profits and are more laborious, and focus on other things. The most recommended tasks are the bounty hunter or extortion missions that do not take too long to unlock. Later you will have the robberies of large farms and properties that will bring you more important sums and, of course, also the longer-term robberies.


Beware of sudden changes in temperatureRed Dead Redemption 2 image

Red Dead Redemption 2 follows in the wake of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and other open-world games, and proposes a world in which we have to be aware of the environment like no other. That means that things like temperature can affect us, of course. If in the Nintendo Link game you had to, for example, bundle up to climb a high mountain where it was cold, the same happens with Arthur. The start of the campaign takes place in very extreme conditions, so your outfit is already adapted to it. But it will not take long for you to change to “greener pastures” and there you will have to bear in mind that excess heat does not do any good to Arthur’s health and resistance either, which may diminish if he gets too hot.


So, do not go with a coat in sweltering temperatures, or be in shirt sleeves if it is very cold. At first the game will warn you, but then it will leave you more and more to your fate. Remember to buy a selection of predetermined clothes varied enough so that in the horse’s saddlebags you have several options with which to change.


Try to be a good boy … At least at first!Red Dead Redemption 2 image

We don’t want to condition your behavior in Red Dead Redemption 2, because the game gives you total freedom to be good or bad. However, if you want advice, it pays to be nice at first. I’m not telling you to stop and help everyone you meet if you don’t want to, you know that there are random events and people in distress that you will run into, but from time to time doing a good deed can help you a lot.


On the one hand, because gaining the sympathy of the people in a city instead of their antipathy can save you from getting into a lot of trouble, especially at the beginning, and also because also in the first few bars you have just enough money and having a good reputation is good for you. to earn discounts in stores. All are advantages! At least in the beginning, give positive karma a chance!


And above all, don’t be a heroRed Dead Redemption 2 image

Arthur is a real killing machine. You will see it as the adventure progresses and you will be thick and thin with your shooting skills the more time you dedicate to the video game. However, you are not invulnerable; And although it seems that the coverage is not so relevant now, in favor of a more direct gameplay, it is true that a little protection to recharge and to regenerate health can come in handy.


Think that RDR 2 is not excessively difficult if you are not going crazy, and also remember that in the missions in which you are accompanied you can generally give some simple orders to your companions: They are very basic things like “open fire yourself”, or “wait for my signal” but they come in handy to prepare the ground for more coordinated actions. In short, especially in the first bars when you have Arthur quite “peladito” in terms of skills … Don’t be a hero!


More about: Red Dead Redemption 2 .

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