11 video game bugs that ended up being accepted as game mechanics
11 video game bugs that ended up being accepted as game mechanics
Sometimes developer mistakes have given us new joys and ways to play.

The difficulty of creating a video game is beyond doubt and it is important to always keep it in mind. For this reason, games normally go through a strict control of bugs so that they come out as best as possible on the market, but it is very difficult for a video game to be launched without errors , although many times we do not see them. In fact, as we told you in a report, games with critical bugs are even released , despite the fact that the developers know it.
But, in the end, to err is human and failure is also part of learning . What’s more, a mistake can give us something good. Therefore, in 3DJuegos we wanted to remember 11 video game bugs that ended up being accepted as playable mechanics , something that is really curious to know. Unfortunately, this is not always fun. For example, one of the most anticipated games by all players, Cyberpunk 2077 , came out with different bugs . At least the users tried to take it with humor (and with some anger) .