Almost no one conceives a website without a backend anymore, what are the trends when developing it?: 2016 TRENDS IN BACKEND WEB DEVELOPMENT

Known as the web administrator’s control panel , or simply the control panel, backend or backoffice , it is an essential tool to keep your website, your online store and your e-commerce updated . And if a while ago we talked to you about the trends in web design 2016 , today we want to talk about this important tool that gives autonomy to the web administrator and that Google greatly appreciates, since thanks to it, we can update web pages without knowing about development web , but it is always convenient to know about SEO positioning, so the updates we make on the website will help to be in the first search results.

Backend trends

– To begin with, the backend of any type of web application must have a responsive design , or is it not very useful to be able to update our website , our blog , our online store or any other type of web application from tablets and smartphones?

– A backend must be usable , just as we take into account the usability of the frontend of our users, why are we going to complicate our lives as web administrators and waste time and patience, if we have professionals who create the backend to the measure of each one’s needs?

– It must contain what we are going to use, no more, no less, and it must have been created in an environment that allows unlimited growth and modification. With the predefined CMS we have a lot of options that we do not use or will never use, and as the business grows, we find needs that the CMS do not cover, we have to program on them, the problems begin because the plugins have been developed by third parties, and to know how they have been created, etc, etc. In short, a backend must be scalable and extensible.

– A backend must be in our own language. It seems very logical, but again, with the predefined CMS, this is not always the case.

– A backend must be secure, among many issues, because it interacts with databases, where there is usually personal and sensitive information, without going any further, surely the private information of web users is being saved in the database .

– A backend should help web positioning : allowing the entry of TAGS, keywords, classifying the information into categories, creating through it quality content based on keywords , etc.

– A backend should help automate processes, saving us time, and therefore, money.

Backend professionals

And at Rana Negra, you have professionals in the development of the backend, as well as the frontend, databases and digital marketing, count on us and don’t worry! 

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