21 mistakes made by companies in social networks


21 mistakes made by companies in social networks

Make sure you don’t make these mistakes that could damage your brand image.

21 mistakes made by companies in social networks


New technology has evolved quickly and accurately with modern conditions and communication needs. Now more than ever, the use of social networks takes an indispensable position in the routine, because the pandemic harmed direct contact. Here are 12 practices in social networks to promote the Inbound strategy . 

Most companies had already been implementing web channels and social networks for their management, however, the need increased due to the change in processes to be carried out by users. 

For that reason, social networks are very important for organizations because there are large numbers of users on the internet. This translates into retention of current clients and acquisition of potential clients.

At the same time, much of the advertising used on these channels is organic, that is, free. However, there are payment strategies such as Facebook Ads, which yield effective results for the growth of a page in social networks. 

Another important factor in social networks is the construction of the brand image, this is formed through the experience of users, quality of service, promises kept, and interaction. 

From that perspective, there are statistics on: 

  • 140 million companies have a Facebook page (Hootsuite)
  • Since last year, companies have communicated more frequently through Facebook Messenger (Hootsuite) 
  • 64% of users say they prefer to use the Facebook page to communicate with a company. (Hootsuite)
  • The growth of followers on an Instagram profile is 2.5% per month (Hootsuite)

To observe the statistics of the use of Hootsuite social networks.

The percentages of need for communication between users and companies are increasing. In addition, if what you want is for the number of customers to increase, placing yourself in mass media will make you reach the goal in less time. 

Apart from that, keep in mind that if a brand is not located on social networks, it does not exist. For this reason, large companies are positioned within the largest networks. 

How to have a good presence on social networks?

The first thing you should do to avoid making brand mistakes on social networks is to build a strategy. Which is formed by planning objectives, mapping the channels most used by your target audience, creating attractive content, user participation and sticking to the desire of users. 

On several occasions, the lack of planning leads to carelessness, disloyalty for the brand and distrust of customers. Surely you will think that these are basic aspects and that all companies comply with it. Next, we will mention you.

21 mistakes that companies make so that you take the greatest care with your brand

1. Share images, videos or links without copy.

It is a common practice in small and medium-sized companies. Faced with this, the reason for the publication can be explained or additional information to complement the graph can be provided. 

2. Do not use the tools that Facebook offers us

Making use of stories on Facebook and Instagram is a great opportunity to reach and engage users. Because frequently appearing in highlights makes the user remember the brand. 

3. Show only the product or talk only about the service

It is important that you offer what you sell but this action is usually overwhelming and boring for many users. Remember that they are humans who are looking for relationships for that reason you must take into account creating bonds of value will be what will make the difference. 

4. Don’t show the team behind the company

This aspect is essential to generate links with the public. The current public is limited to generating ties of friendship and therefore it is recommended that they know who is behind the brand, in order to create empathy and trust. 

5. Lack of strategy

it is walking aimlessly towards growth. It is not about having accounts on all platforms, but establishing oneself in the most used ones and generating traffic to call the Call to action. 

6. Graphics without quality

For a company it is important that the designs are linked to the color palette, as this leads to the identification of the brand. This point is decisive in taking user action, since perceptions are generated by sight. 

7. Lock yourself in the perfection of work

It is an error often that does not allow to visualize errors in the management or processes. Given this, it is best to evaluate the results obtained by each publication and detect any shortcomings. 

8. Private profile

This is often seen in SMEs and MSEs, the reason why it is considered a terrible mistake is simple. The private profile does not offer you statistics or traffic flow. Apart from that, you can get your profile closed in the long term due to the number of friends.

9. Tag in posts

If you are a company with a view to growing in the market area. Mentioning sponsors who collaborate with your brand is fine but to a lesser extent. Otherwise, they will get bored with the content and see it as possible spam.

10. Make excuses for growth

It is a subject that many entrepreneurs have gone through. The excuse of lack of money is the most common. However, did you know that you can have organic growth? All you need is to learn how to hook your followers and attract potential users with attractive content. 

11. Use different logos

It is not a secret that the presence in the networks must be the same. In this way, we do not cause confusion in the minds of users and we push the permanence of the brand in their minds. 

12. Use the same copy for each social network

The first thing you should know is that platforms work in different ways. An informational copy on Facebook will not have the same character length for Instagram. This is because the format and people located in these sites look for different information impacts. 

13. Sell and sell

Social networks are not spaces to generate sales. By these means you can push the user to make the decision and refer him to the purchase website. 

14. Address everyone

This error is normal but you cannot sell to everyone. For example, if your company is automotive, it is not for everyone. It is aimed at people who have a car. To determine this, segmentation on platforms is important. 

15. Refrain from advertising

It is true that an organic flow can be achieved. But advertising campaigns on social networks take you to a field where the exposure of your brand will reach people interested in what you offer. 

16. Invest in advertising and not segment the public

This error is big since the system will not know how to detect the people interested in your products. It is important that the segmentation is specific so that it is easier to close a sale with a person who is determined to buy. 

17. Imitate the competition

It is very different from benchmarking, since it studies the strategies applied by competitors and evolves them according to their business objective. Remember that not everything that a brand does will be beneficial for another with the same magnitude. 

18. Don’t call to action

Repeatedly we work on a content that has no answer and this reason is because we lose sight of “what we want to communicate”. It is essential that you focus on the needs and requests of the users in the content that you show, that way you will incite the response. 

19. Updates

Consistency in publications must be essential so that the user does not lose sight of the brand and the corporate image remains intact. 

20. Zero interaction

Related to the above, it is essential that you focus on answering the calls of your users. It is not only responding to doubts or inconveniences, but also generating close ties with friendly and close responses. Without a doubt, when you apply it, you will have a larger audience that takes you as a committed brand reference. 

21. Bad optimization

Finally, optimization on your page with complete information about the company will allow the user or lead to fully understand the purpose, objectives and values. Likewise, it is advisable to implement videos or images of the aforementioned aspects so that the retention of the information is simple and the user knows the identity of the brand.


We know that the aforementioned errors are basic but this does not mean that the degree of error greatly damages the reputation and image of the company. Even more so if what you are looking for is to build it. 

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