Table of Contents: 4 TRENDS IN WEB POSITIONING 2019

After our article on trends in web design 2019 and our article on trends in e-commerce 2019 , we are going to talk to you this time about trends in web positioning 2019.

With so many trends, you have no excuse for not having the super-optimized web!

# 1 Voice searches and visual searches en: 4 TRENDS IN WEB POSITIONING 2019

Without a doubt, the trend that is growing the most is that of voice searches , and this increases with Google Assistant present on Android phones. And this defines a new way of doing SEO positioning.

But there is a superior novelty, which is not ending in 2018 but which may be one of the most drastic changes in SEO positioning 2019 : visual searches !

Google has a tool, Google Lens, at the moment a minority since it is only available for Android mobiles that are of the Pixel model, but with this tool you can search for images, in a different way than how we were used to until now. With Google Lens we take a photo and we can obtain certain information about it, for example, what a monument is called, recognize food dishes, identify animals or plants, give information about products, recognize establishments and similar issues.

As we say, it is a tool that still has a lot of development, since on many occasions, if the photo is not completely clear, Google does not recognize the image and / or confuses it with something else. But without a doubt, the more this tool is developed and extended, it will be a novelty that users will love, and that will mean that we must have the images related to our business, very well positioned, that are images that can be seen professional and clear, made from different perspectives that are optimized in their size and include them in the sitemap.

If, for example, we are at a friend’s house or in a hotel, and we like a sofa, we can take a photo of it and buy it, if we had to do this based on a search by words, it would take us much longer to locate the exact product. This increases the conversion of purchases and reduces the number of abandoned carts, the user no longer has to search by words or browsing between categories, color filters, brand, etc.

While waiting for these visual searches to improve , the trend that is here to stay and is increasing by leaps and bounds, is voice search , that is, voice searches . And as you may already know, users do not search in the same way if we do it through voice than if we do it through written text, therefore, it is important to position ourselves according to how users search for us through voice, which comes to be with phrases Complete more than “speaking in Indian”. The content must adapt to the natural language of the people, something that if it was already like that, it is already an obligation if you want to position yourself in Internet searches.


This obviously only affects you if you have one or more APPS, and we recommend that you do not start creating APPS when you still do not have users, because it is a high expense that will not revert you if you do not have enough users, people will not know your APP and much less, they will want to download it taking up space on their mobile.

But if you have it, go full on SEO! Most of the APPS are discovered in the download channels, because that is where you have to position yourself.

And here the number of downloads, the time of use, the frequency of use, the uninstallation of the APP, the keywords and the ratings, fundamentally, influence.

# 3 Mobile SEO

From the trends that we have named, a basic and essential trend in web positioning 2019 is deduced: the optimization of web pages on mobile devices! Because although it is difficult for a user to want to download an APP that takes up space, they do search on their mobile for the products, services, places and information they need. We already knew about the Mobile First trend, but Google itself has already announced months ago that it prioritizes the indexing of websites that are adapted for mobile phones, that is, they are responsive web pages, since the user experience on mobile is the priority.

# 4 Vi deo

Video is a trend both in web design of all kinds of web applications, as well as in digital marketing. It has YouTube for SEO positioning.

Videos make users spend more time on your page, they are content that is shared much more than static ones and they create a brand image for you.

And not only on YouTube , but also on Facebook and Instagram , because of course in 2019 we must not neglect our social networks.

Video streaming is a clear trend also in this 2019, if you think it can work according to your brand and target audience, go ahead!

Beyond the trends, this should be applying it already in an indispensable way

You already know that we like to distinguish between trends, since they are either novelties or elements that will be strongly discarded, of what is already mandatory to have implanted, either in our positioning strategy, as in design, etc.

Well, other issues that affect SEO positioning and that you should have already implemented are:

– SSL security certificate: in addition to giving security to the user, it helps to position in Chrome, and is MANDATORY by law as soon as your website requests any type of data from the user.

– Quality links.

– SEO friendly URLs.

– Quality content.

– If you sell locally, you must do local SEO.

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