7 changes in digital marketing strategies that are happening in 2021


7 changes in digital marketing strategies that are happening in 2021

Learn about the most important changes in recent months

7 changes in digital marketing strategies that are happening in 2021


We are more digitized than ever. The companies that survived the crisis that COVID-19 brought with it, consolidated in the digital market. And those that already were, grew in community and strategic positioning. The competition is more aggressive than ever and the strategies go beyond advertisements. 

Now the challenge is to lead the market segments in a highly competitive scenario. And the first step to achieve this is to understand what were the most important changes in the last year and how you can take advantage of them to gain visibility in the digital ecosystem.

Changes in marketing strategies 2020-2021

The first and most important change was the acceleration of the digitization of the market. More than 80% of consumers make purchase decisions after conducting research on the internet. They review Google results and contrast opinions of other users on social networks.  

Now users make informed decisions and marketing strategies must adapt to that. 

1. PPC strategies: Acquisition cost per customer grows

The first action of all the companies that ventured into the digital world during the first year of quarantine was to invest in advertisements. As a result, platforms began to demand more and more investment in exchange for reach. Outcome? Unprofitable acquisition costs (CAC), in many cases. 

Our advice:  Bet on long-term organic strategies, while maintaining your investment in ads. In this way, the CAC will be reduced after a while and your business will find a strategic balance point.

2. Greater confidence in organic positioning

Now that the client has the power to inform themselves and choose what they need, gaining their trust is more difficult. Especially because he does not believe in advertisements and prefers to bet on those brands or companies that are organically positioned in the digital ecosystem.  

What does this mean? It means that the ads will have fewer clicks than Google’s organic results; and that brands with loyal communities will be more trusted by them on social media.

For example: if a user sees your ad and enters your networks, but does not find valuable information, or interactions or comments, they will probably not be interested in visiting your website or knowing your offer. 

3. Less promotion and more connection

You are probably wondering: how can I create a loyal community? How can I position myself organically in Google? How do I connect with my consumers? And you will be surprised by the answer: stop selling and start helping.

This is already known by your competition. That is why every day there are more blogs, more useful content on social networks, more webinars and free courses. Between a company that gives you an ebook on healthy eating and a nutritionist who only posts an ad, which one will customers prefer?

Start creating valuable content: research what your target audience needs. What can you give them that motivates them to want to know more about you?

Connect with your audience and when the time of the sale comes, you will have half the way.

4. New channels: new consumers

Do not rule out the new social channels, because we are facing a new generation of consumers: the centennial. A clear example of this is TikTok, the platform multiplied its downloads in mid-2020 and is now one of the most powerful social networks in marketing.  

If the nature of your business allows it, don’t rule out trying certain platforms to gain more reach.

5. The short video rises to the throne

Another of the most important changes in digital marketing is the reign of the short video. And yes, the video format has been gaining prominence for several years, but between 2020 and 2021 it was consolidated as the most attractive on different platforms. 

Even video ads are generating a pretty high shutdown rate. 

6. Role of communities is vital

Word of mouth has always been the most effective way to win customers, which is why the goal of all marketing strategies is loyalty. 

Now this process occurs on social media. Comments and opinions are one of the main decision factors in many market segments. Users value referrals, they believe in communities a lot. 

That’s why reach and view ads are just as important as conversion ads. Because as you gain community, the conversion will be much easier.

7. Trends and hyper creativity

We could not close this article without mentioning the most important change of all: creativity is key to stand out.

It’s true, creativity has always played an important role in the world of marketing. But before businesses competed against local brands, on-site strategies were very effective. Now on the internet the competition is of another level. There is so much creative diversity that finding something “unique and different” is extremely difficult.

So now more than ever, trendsetting brands are of far more value.  

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