Previously we talked about trends in web design 2019 and this time we are going to talk about trends in e-commerce 2019 .

If you have an online or e-commerce store , pay close attention to the news and trends of the e-commerce sector for 2019 , and if you do not have one, but you are considering launching your business to the online world, where your customers are available the 24 hours a day, 365 days a week, perfect, get off to a good start by following the latest trends in online sales , in both cases you can plan strategies that increase the conversion rate of your website with online sales.

# 1 Chatbot : Having a chat and / or instant messaging system through which your users can make inquiries is one of the strongest trends in e-commerce 2019 . Both chatbot and Messenger marketing multiply conversion rates. As developing your own chatbot is highly expensive, e-commerce uses platforms such as Facebook Messenger to communicate with their customers.

Customers like the speed that this type of communication system offers, and an unlimited number of customers can be attended to with speed at any time of the day.

# 2 Payment methods: The more payment methods offered to users, the conversion rate also increases. The Paga + Tarde payment method is entering strong, which allows financing purchases. Although today the preferred form of payment for users is by credit or debit card, possibly because everyone has one, and not everyone has an account with PayPal or other payment methods that are still less widespread in our country.

# 3 Logistics: What we buy, we want to receive as soon as possible, e-commerce and logistics go hand in hand and companies with online sales must improve their delivery times as much as possible. One option that many e-commerces opt for is dropshipping, which means working without stock, being the manufacturer or wholesaler who sends the product to the end customer. That is, when a user places an order online, said order reaches the e-commerce and the supplier / manufacturer / wholesaler of the requested product.

# 4 Personalization: offering personalized shopping experiences, such as personalized offers, increases purchase recurrence, that is, it loyalty to users and also make them have a better opinion of the brand and recommend it. 9 E-COMMERCE TRENDS 2019

# 5 Social Commerce: We must never forget the power of Social Media in our e-commerce, having the right social networks for our brand is fundamental and it is increasingly so due to the rise of mobile traffic and the use of these social networks . As users, we look at recommendations, opinions, discussions, etc. when buying a product or service.

Something as simple as adding the buy button on Facebook makes Facebook the most important Social Commerce platform today. Something to which Instagram has been added in a similar way so that users can buy directly by clicking on the image of the product they want to buy.

This trend in e-commerce 2019 is fundamental since 4 out of 10 users follow their favorite brands on a social network.

6 # Buying experiences similar to physical purchases : Bringing the online user closer to your establishment, to your products, is a trend that grows and grows, starting with 360 visits or virtual tours in Google Business and linked to the online store , already reaching augmented reality . And it is to be able to check how we have a garment, or how a sofa is in our living room, without even leaving the house, of course it is the trend of the future in e-commerce.

If you want, you can see our virtual tour .

# 7 Filters: In an e-commerce , the categorization and filtering of products is essential for users to find what they are looking for. E-commerce must have advanced filters to offer their users different ways to find the product easily and not to go to another online store to look for it. Something fundamental not only in e-commerce, but also in online search engines and online price comparators . If you want to know more about the latter, we leave you some of our related articles: How to program a price comparison and earn money with it ! Y What you should know before considering a business based on a price comparison .

# 8 Buy with your voice : As we do more and more searches on Google by voice, users are also opting for the few companies that allow them to make purchases online with their voice . And these searches and online purchases are not restricted to users with smartphones, they are also used by users who have smart speakers.

# 9 Video : As it is a trend in web design 2019 , it is a particular trend of e-commerce for 2019 . Users are interested in videos and this trend continues and grows. As owners of any type of web page , having videos for branding, to teach how to use the web, to see products or facilities or to explain frequently asked questions on video, is a great option.  9 E-COMMERCE TRENDS 2019

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