Why is visual content important in your marketing strategy?


Why is visual content important in your marketing strategy?

40% of people have a good response to visual content than to information by text

Why is visual content important in your marketing strategy?


Visual content or visual marketing deals with the messages embodied in designed or experiential graphics, this is the fundamental piece when focusing a message because it is considered the main object in the text. 

For your audience to have a better experience when they visit your web portal or social networks, you must understand that the importance of visual content has more accurate answers when engaging with your audience. Through images, videos, infographics, videos and memes, you can involve your audience with your goals in less time, in this article we will explain the importance of applying visual content within your campaigns. Read more about the importance of content marketing 

Visual content is part of the digital world 

Graphics are a trend in the new digital age because audiences prefer to find an explanatory infographic or image, as opposed to taking time before a long and tedious written content. For this reason, companies look for the best strategies to create attractive content and include them in marketing campaigns, if you succeed, you will achieve a higher conversion rate. 

  • 40% of people have a good response to visual content than to information by text. 
  • Visual content generates more traffic and more engagement, the objective should be that the publication is part of the publications shared during the day. 

Why should visual content be applied to my business plan?

People actively respond to non-verbal communication and visual content is captured and processed 60 thousand times faster by the brain than text and 50% of people affirm that the design of a website is the first decisive factor in permanence of a page. Please note the following: 

  • For your visual content to be effective, make sure it is impactful within 3 seconds. 
  • Adding only one image to the text does not work, if it is not related to the content.

Visual content creates powerful campaigns that promote thinking more than a paragraph, nowadays visual content has positioned itself not to detach itself and continue its legacy. We give you a clear example, while a person is in the transport with his mobile in hand he is seeing images, videos or infographics because it is easier to see and hear it. Keep in mind that 67% of the population uses a cell phone. 

What is the benefit of applying visual content?

Increase traffic : Search engines easily index blog posts and other platforms through visual content that must also contain necessary attributes. 

You will get loyal followers of the brand : Through visual content, the audience will identify more with the published content and thus there will be more people following the brand. 

Understanding the message : We know that words are powerful, however, images and videos fulfill an essential aspect as we have been mentioning. For example, if you have a long text about recipes, it is good for SEO but do not lose sight of the visual content, since it will be focused on improving the user experience and permanence on the site. 

You do not need a large investment: With the evolution of technology, creating attractive content can be achieved from a smartphone, since there are various applications that provide facilities, sketches and templates to do it.

Hook your audience: One of the main goals of the business is to capture the attention of the potential public to gain loyal followers and with visual content you will achieve the expected results in less time. 

Engagement : Strengthen the links with your followers by providing them with quality content because by providing information in a synthesized and attractive way it will allow to evoke the reflection of feelings, this will be reflected in a solid link that will be indisputable and that they will appreciate through likes , comments and shares. 

What should you take into account before starting to use visual content?

When content is too produced or unfriendly it is difficult for the audience to grasp it, it is necessary to focus in an attractive way on the information that the user expects to observe. Within them you can include testimonial images, photos of recommendation or some creative contribution. 

Optimize the visual content:  Google when finding a photo, image or infographic, what it analyzes is the text, so you must add an ALT text to be optimized, the name of the file is also important. An important step within the visual content is the name of the file this must be the keyword

There are many elements that serve and are attractive to the public. Here we will show you some of them

Photography:  This element generates more participation than other content and captures followers. On Facebook, 87% of interactions come from an image in the posts. 

Also on Twitter that updated the organization of the publications so that the images could be seen in the first place. It is recommended that you use your own images for this you must: 

  • Create and edit photos
  • Another option is to search for images in banks without copyright. 

Images with phrases: This content is shared more times on social networks because it works as a link between the visual and the emotional.  

Video marketing: In your page or blog, incorporating videos will enrich the connection with the written material, since it is a tool that tells a story in a simple way for the expectant and at the same time generates return intention. One tip is that in addition to the video, add an interesting text along with an optimal sound. 

Memes : Memes are the coolest and most widely used content because they convey an idea in a funny way in trending moments. It is effective in reaching a large number of people on the platforms. 

Animated gifs: These are moving images, different from videos because the duration of time is short. Currently they have become viral on social networks. Infographics: They are the most important visual elements when providing more graphic information because they capture the reader’s attention in less time. 

How does visual content help with brand equity?

Creating visual content is the fastest way for your organization to connect with customers. Social media experts affirm that 60,000 people have a greater connection with graphics and decide to share it so that people around them can see it. 

Advice for implementing visual content on social networks

Here is a list of things to do to apply visual content on the most recognized platforms. 

  • Before starting your content plan for your target audience, analyze what content would be optimal for them. 
  • Create different and impressive visual content, as we mentioned it is the key to capturing the audience. 
  • In the visual content, include your brand identity, that is, how you want the audience to differentiate you. It can be for the colors, typography and phrase. 
  • Visual content should always be focused on social media and all company platforms. It should not be repeated, but adapted to each platform but with the same initial message. 
  • Do not lose the initial message, as we mentioned, try to organize the graphs but without losing the idea along the way.  

In conclusion, the visual content must be bound by a careful marketing campaign and permanently which must be adjusted to the objectives of the brand. The importance of visual content is to attract an audience that is interested in consuming what we offer, they look for us and engage with the content provided, since it is easier and faster to generate views through graphics and images. 

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