How to increase your qualified web traffic?


How to increase your qualified web traffic?

Here are some keys to increase your qualified web traffic

How to increase your qualified web traffic?


Blogs are the organic traffic generators most used by marketers. According to HubSpot, 53% of marketers consider content to be of primary importance in their marketing strategy. So spending more time creating content is not only a good idea, but doing it the right way can increase your website traffic. Although the biggest difficulty is not having a blog, the visits can mean the biggest challenge. Do you want to know how you can increase your web traffic? These tips that we develop for you can be quite useful, but first know some extra information about attracting web traffic.

The same Hubspot confirms that:  Marketing strategies that prioritize blogs have 13 times more web traffic. And yes, it is a well-known strategy, but you still have to take into account some key points to increase that traffic on your website. In Inbound marketing, blogs are always recommended, nothing better than organic search engine traffic to last, and although sharing useful content helps a lot in attracting the ideal customer, your website must be in a position so that traffic is constant but this can get to do much more than just create content. Then you realize all the gear that exists, which includes user experience and good content. These points, detailed below, can help you see how to generate more qualified web traffic: 

  • ✔Create content capable of becoming viral connected with insight into your field.
  • ✔ Support yourself in content “Evergreen” or always current. 
  • ✔Use long tail keywords for articles.
  • ✔Use email marketing to drive traffic to your website. 
  • ✔ Link building strategy to get traffic from other blog
  • ✔Change the structure of your publications following user reading patterns.

How to increase the web traffic of my page? 

Create content thinking about the daily life of your buyer persona

Make sure to take your buyer persona into account when creating the content for your website, with this try to define what type of content may be the one you are looking for, in order to provide answers to your questions. But also, it is recommended that you use clear language, closely linked to its personality. It turns out that Google prioritizes content according to the usefulness of the page, and this is measured by the time each user spends on your blog. The contents with simpler languages ​​and clearer contexts are usually better understood, but even the use of colloquial language is quite associated with the freshness of the article. And this in turn usually attracts the first places by offering useful content and clear answers. 

In addition to that, bots, thanks to artificial intelligence, today seek naturalness in content far beyond the use of keywords. If you create content taking into account the daily life of your buyer persona, you have a better chance of going viral. That a content is shared and consumed until the end, tells Google how useful it is for users. In this way, the first places of the search engines today are not filled with articles with excess of repeated words. It refers to the first place in google, because being positioned in the first place will help you attract traffic to your website. But also take into account these data: 

✔ Support yourself on social networks to share your articles, with attractive themes and redirect to your website with a good blog. 

✔ You can add explanatory images and videos in your notes so that people understand the content a little more.

✔Use simple language in your notes, respecting your brand personality. But taking into account the personality of your ideal user. 

Create content “Evergreen” or always current 

Content with no expiration date saves you time updating your blog. The content that can be successful for a long time is the best for SEO, although the writers fight for it “The best content for this 2020”, their titles will cease to be valid over time, unlike a good recipe based on studies supported by statistics and research. Although to be honest, the options to edit a note also allow you to update them, it is an extra work that many do not usually do. 

For this reason, make sure that your content has a lot of green content, so that your blog can be up to date for your users and is useful at any time of the year. One piece of information to do so is to take into account teaching something with your content, creating lists of procedures and answering common questions from users. But you can also rely on content that you can find supported by specialized articles and avoid trends. In this way you can play with a balanced 70% green and 30% related to news or trends. 

Use long tail keywords

In relation to the natural language that Google searches for in articles, the use of keywords is also one of the best ways to generate content that attracts web traffic. If you make a list of keywords for which you want to rank, you will be able to find the simple keywords like: clothes, bibs, bottles. But if you want to be more specific, you’ll want to target words like: newborn clothes, baby bottles for premature babies, and plastic baby bibs. 

The reason for success is based on how people actually search on Google. And the more specific your content is, the better answers you can give the user. In general, the search volume of these long-tail words is lower, but they become much more effective than wanting to target words with much more competition. 

Email marketing to attract traffic to your website

Email marketing is by law and age one of the best online traffic generators. Although many years ago the links that were shared were associated with pages of dubious origin, email marketing is very effective, according to Hubspot itself. Email marketing continues to be one of the most important and effective methods to generate leads. But it is also an excellent opportunity to lead users to your website.

Although the use of email marketing will be quite conditioned to a good data of emails and clear messages. It is important that you know that with proper optimization you can increase your qualified web traffic. To do so, take into account the following:

✔Don’t buy email lists from other companies, get your own data with the right strategy to attract leads.

✔Segment your customers correctly, to send timely messages and with more possibilities of being open. 

✔ Make sure they can be opened from a mobile, because according to Campaign Monitor : the vast majority of reports on email open rates claim that at least 50% of them occur on mobile devices.


How to increase visits to the blog?

Another important fact to know about web traffic and blogging is that according to HubSpot : one in ten blog posts accumulates organic search traffic over time. In this case, to increase visits to the blog, you can also take into account the application of a link building strategy to obtain traffic from other blogs and change the structure of your publications following user reading patterns.

✔ Get your blog to be linked by other specialized blogs: To achieve this, it is recommended to use appropriate link building strategies, since obtaining purchased links or cybernetic farms are penalized by google algorithms. So the best option is partnering with other blogs on your same blog in mutual collaborations or being a reference with such good content that others want to link you. Either way, these links are really very valuable when they come from rated pages. 

✔ How do users read the content ?: Make sure you find out and make your blog reading more user-friendly. This increases the permanence on your site, which is quite positive for positioning. Although it has been shown that users only “browse the content” make everything very clear to the naked eye and comply with the most used patterns such as F.

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