When are there more searches on Valentine’s Day?


When are there more searches on Valentine’s Day?

Spain is the country where searches related to Valentine’s Day are growing the most, and although logically searches reach the peak in the previous days, in December a greater interest begins to be noticed.

Three weeks before Valentine’s Day, there is 3% of searches, two weeks before there is 10%, a week before there is 23% and in the same week there are 64% of searches. p class = “MsoNormal”>

Where do users look for Valentine’s Day?

Mostly on mobile, 3 out of 4 searches are made from mobile devices. 21% of users search for Valentine’s Day on the PC, 74.4% do it from the mobile and 3.6% from the Tablet.

What users are looking for about Valentine’s Day? 

76% are women and 24% are men.

Within the age group between 24-35 years is where the greatest number of users are concentrated looking for Valentine’s Day. Those over 65 are the ones who search the least about it, but they also do it! And in this age group, more men than women dare to inquire about what to give or what to do on Valentine’s Day.

What gifts are most sought after online for Valentine’s Day?  

The most searched is the term “romantic dinner” with 26% of searches, and they are followed in order: chocolate, perfumes or makeup, flowers, jewelry and travel (it is normal that this year the search for travel is not a large majority, with perimeter confinement, etc.)

It should be noted that when it comes to perfumes, whose searches grew by 10% in 2020 compared to 2019, consumers look for specific brands 60% of the time.

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