We are getting closer and closer to overcoming this exceptional situation that has come linked to the coronavirus pandemic. For this reason, all businesses must be prepared for the so-called “new normal”, and for this digital marketing can be one of the best allies to consider.

It is clear that this crisis has not affected all sectors equally, since for example those of tourism, transport, construction or manufacturing have been some of the most affected, while the media and news, health, food or finance they have been among the most benefited.

Although for many businesses this may not be the best time, they should be clear that investing in digital marketing can be very beneficial for them. And it is that during the period of confinement Internet consumption has not stopped increasing, as well as online purchases, and this may be the key to everything.

In addition, the situation has made age and sex no longer determining factors when using the Internet, since many older people have had to face new technologies out of strict necessity, and the youngest in the house have begun to navigate to meet educational or entertainment goals.

On the other hand, digital connectivity has also contributed to this change in the direction of purchasing habits, since carrying out any type of management during these months depended on it. A good example of this is the increase in the purchase of food online, the growth has been impressive.

For this reason, it is essential that any e-commerce or professional website now take these indicators into account, since the future of these businesses may depend on them. There is no doubt that the way in which companies and advertising communicate with society has completely changed, and for this reason digital marketing is key to building customer loyalty.

At Rana Negra we know very well what we are talking about, and for this reason we affirm that the business opportunities at this time are endless. It is now when there are many people who have just started in new technologies, and for this reason alone there are numerous companies that have to look for options other than traditional advertising to reach them, for this digital marketing is key.

The truth is that there are many tools that can be used that will help confirm all the benefits of digital marketing in business:

The Display ads are one of them, since these ads on digital media offer greater visibility. It must be taken into account that everything that allows us to know the last hour of the virus, has considerably increased its consumption, as well as the consumption of the internet, hence they are a key tool.

On the other hand, promotion on social networks is also essential, since the use of the various platforms does not stop increasing over time, so it is vital to have a presence in them. Of course it is important to have professional advice for this, if you want more information you can consult our blog: Why hire a community manager .

Linked to the above, the development of video content is also key, and more specifically of videos on YouTube . The truth is that curious videos have been a trend for a long time, so with them you can achieve wide visibility, which is ultimately the main objective pursued.

But this is not all, since for example observing SEO and SEM are also fundamental aspects to take into account. This may be one of the best times to balance organic positioning and paid positioning, since in this way you can know the impact of the business on users.

With regard to SEO , it should be noted that it is not something that can be achieved immediately, since it is the result of many months’ work, but the truth is that the benefits of it compensate. For example, working during the time of confinement in the same, translates into results for the arrival to normality. We are getting closer and closer to overcoming this exceptional situation that has come

In addition to having a quality web page , it is essential to give a professional image, and for this it is necessary to cover from SEO positioning , the world of Social Media , the creation of quality content on the blog or the monitoring of the presence in Internet to know the sector, among other questions. We are getting closer and closer to overcoming this exceptional situation that has come

As you can see, the fundamental thing at this time is to act before it is too late, since the economic impact will be important, however the benefits of digital marketing can help in the future, and even become the key piece to profit from this difficult situation. We are getting closer and closer to overcoming this exceptional situation that has come

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