As soon as you know about SEO , you will know that it is constantly changing and evolving, and being aware of all the news is really a challenge, but it is a challenge that is worth it since around 75% of users only click on the organic results, ignoring the ads.

So that you can prepare your SEO 2021 strategy, we will tell you what are the news and trends in SEO 2021 positioning:

Artificial intelligence, RankBrain and SEO 20 21: WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING 2021?: WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING 2021?

Google learns through artificial intelligence, through its RankBrain algorithm , playing a very important role in the positioning factors in Google relative to search results (SERP).

It is a self-learning algorithm with the aim of better understanding what a user is looking for. According to the neuroscientist Greg Corrado , promoter of the Google Brain project, of the almost three billion queries that are made on Google daily, 15% consist of words and combinations that are unknown to the searched, including colloquial terms, complex phrases of long tail or newly created phrases / words. Here RankBrain plays the role of learning to improve the experience of the results when a user performs a search.

RankBrain is used to select the pages that most closely match the user’s intention. To this is added the semantic search, in this way instead of analyzing each word in isolation, RankBrain registers the semantics of the query in a global and contextualized way to determine the user’s intention.

To do this, it draws on the experience it has accumulated in previous queries, creates connections and with them predicts what is being searched, resulting in the best way to respond to the user’s query. To do this, it resolves ambiguities and deduces the meaning of expressions, even if they are unknown until then.

Neuroscientist Greg Corrado himself has stated that RankBrain has become the third ranking factor in Google’s search algorithm . The first two are content and links .

How to improve SEO positioning for RankBrain?: WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING 2021?

The relevance of the content is of vital importance rather than containing the exact keyword, since as we said, Google no longer looks at the loose meaning of a word, but rather contextualizes it and gives it an intention.

This is reinforced by another fact, and it is that as John Mueller, Google SEO expert commented, Google measures the authority and reputation of web pages for a specific topic , so it is better than putting the keywords “with shoehorn ”the important thing is that our website has content related to its specific theme, naturally.

So focusing on a single topic (but that is varied, not always speaking exactly the same, logically) on our website and blog, helps to position in Google .

For example, if you sell t-shirts online, it is about talking about t-shirt reviews, comparisons, t-shirt fabrics, the most current t-shirt designs, fashion trends, what to combine a t-shirt with, etc.

In addition, by offering this type of content, reputation is improved since knowledge on the subject is demonstrated, you position yourself as an expert on the subject facing the user directly and improving the user experience, making it more likely that they will visit again. your website.

Voice search and SEO 20 21: WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING 2021?

This trend is not completely new, since at least 2019 it must be taken into account as we already said in our article on the 4 trends in web positioning 2019 .

But that it is not a novelty does not mean that it is not a trend, because it is and more and more, since more and more users carry out their voice searches in the Google assistant, Siri, Alexa, etc.

How to improve SEO positioning for voice searches ?: WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING 2021?

Voice searches are longer and more literal than when we type them, which we tend to abbreviate.

For example, a user could ask Google to look for the trends in SEO positioning 2021 , and by voice he would say something very similar to this: What are the trends in SEO positioning in 2021?

And yet if you write it, the most common is that it is something very similar to: SEO Trends 2021

Therefore, identify how users would look for what you offer in a natural conversation.

Mobile and SE O 2021

It is not new either, but the need for a website to be responsive to the maximum is increasing.In March of this year Google will stop indexing websites that are not responsive !

It is estimated that 73% of users will access the Internet only from mobiles in 2025.

How to improve SEO positioning on mobile?

Well, obviously, by designing the web in a responsive way , and also taking into account that users do not have to put elements that obstruct content in an annoying way, allowing Google to see the lazy loading content and making sure to use the same tags. meta robots on desktop and mobile, something that if the web is truly responsive, it will be like that, but since many times different versions are made for PC and mobile, you have to make sure of this point.

EAT Principle and SEO 2021

Once again we insist, the quality of the content is vital to be successful in SEO positioning, and we are going to tell you what Google means by “quality”.

The EAT principle refers to Experience, Authority and Reliability, thanks to these factors Google determines if a website has useful and quality content.

How to improve SEO positioning through quality content?

Talk on your website and blog about your topic in a natural and precise way, know your target to know what type of content values ​​and think about the search intention of your potential users, in this way you will create the content that adjusts to the preferences of your target.

If you show yourself as an expert to your users, Google will take it into account.

Back up your content with statistics, links to relevant sites and if you can get authoritative sites to link to your website, perfect!

Extensive content and SEO 2021

Content over 3000 words gets 3x more traffic and 4x more shares. You also get 3.5 times more backlinks than shorter articles.

How to improve S EO positioning through extensive content?

Whenever possible, try to write articles on your blog of more than 3000 words (or count on us for it, because it is an arduous task that we know well).

Above all, do it with the content that is most relevant, for which you want to position yourself, but naturally! If the topic doesn’t fit 3000 words, don’t force it.

You have to keep quality over quantity and short content can also be interesting for your SEO strategy.

Divide the content into H2 subtitles and if you can in H3, even better, so that Google can quickly track it knowing that it is relevant.

That the content is easy to share is another little trick, put social media buttons so that users can share it.

Featured snippets and SEO 2021

Featured snippets or feature snippets are becoming more and more important, getting them is not easy but they are very good for getting positioning and web traffic.

What are feature snippets?

Featured snippets or feature snippets are the “boxes” that appear at the top (or in the middle) of search results.

With them, the user is shown a large amount of information, structured in questions and answers, in bullets, some include images, star reviews, product prices, etc.

How to improve SEO positioning through featured snippets or feature snippets?

In relation to content, writing articles on the blog based on queries through questions and answers.

Also, if your website has structured data , the better. Not just having them, testing them, following the guidelines and applying them accordingly.

Nothing will guarantee you to appear in the rich snippets, but it will increase your chances. But come on, like everything, nobody assures you anything, it is putting hours and hours and having professionals in SEO positioning , a slow task, but effective in the long term.

Google discover (predictive search) and SEO positioning 2021

In Google Discover, based on predictive searches, users do not consult anything, they are simply offered information based on their interests, their activity on the web and in their applications.

It is a content recommendation tool that identifies patterns of interest in users and learns from these patterns.

You do not have to do anything to appear there, if Google has indexed your website and users are interested, it will include it, that must be responsive.

Videos and SE O 2021

This trend continues and grows over time, there is no more seeing the new social networks, such as Tik Tok, based on videos.

How to improve SEO positioning through videos?

Optimize the name and description of your YouTube or Vimeo channel, include keywords in the videos. To do this, once again, knowing how and what your users are looking for is essential, it all starts with a good SEO positioning study!

Images and SEO 2021

We no longer just look at images, we can now shop through them and get more information than before.

How to improve SEO positioning through images?

Google does not stop insisting that they be optimized and seo-friendly. Customize the name of the file, use the ALT tag and put a relevant, descriptive and unique text and add the images to your website’s sitemap.

Words cl ave and SEO 2021

This is an invariable element over time, the importance of keywords in your content has always been vital, but the type of keywords does change over time.

How to improve SEO positioning through keywords ?

Now semantic content becomes especially important, creating content optimizing the intention of users, since Google no longer takes into account only single or concatenated words, but analyzes the context of the query and understands (or tries) the intention of the user when performing that search.

How do you do all this? Well, creating content that answers the questions that your target audience would ask, for example, in our case, how much does it cost to develop a website? What is the difference between web design and development? o How to create an online price comparison? And not only in the title, also within the text. Remember, even if no one reads your blog, it should be written for people, not robots.


Most users who intend to buy a product or service use Google to find what they are looking for locally, even if their search does not include their location.

And Google knows it perfectly, see:


As you will see, it is a search on an incognito page and it does not have permission to access my location. However, I am simply looking for restaurants and he offers me restaurants in Zaragoza (the city where I am and Rana Negra is, for those of you who don’t know us that much).

Local SEO is important and it is evolving. Even if what you sell can be bought anywhere in the world, it is easier to focus on the customers that are close to you, if you do it well, of course.

This evolution is possibly due to the fact that there are many searches in which users do not click, curious right? Not so much, this is because the user’s response is responded to with SERPs (related to featured snippets) and you don’t need to click.

Many of those clickless searches are local searches that are resolved by looking at the SERPs.

How to improve local SEO in 2021?: WHAT ARE THE TRENDS IN SEO POSITIONING 2021?

If you are not in Google Bussiness yet, you are missing a fabulous tool to be found, fill out your company file as much as possible and work to obtain positive reviews, Google takes them very much into account!

We have work, huh! Many little things to improve and adapt to the times, we are here to give us a hand.

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