On the occasion of the Internet day that is celebrated every May 17, we are going to talk about its history and evolution until it is what it is today, an information and leisure tool without which our life would not be the same.

Internet is the origin of all our work at Rana Negra, what less than celebrating its day giving it the importance it deserves!

Brief history and evolution of the Internet

We think it all starts with Tim Berners-Lee, father of the web, as he and his group created the HTML , the HTTP protocol, and the URLS.

He also developed the first web browser in 1990, called WorldWideWeb.

With these ingredients, in 1991 the first web page was born , which, as you can see, only contained text.

A couple of years later, the first web design was born , with the Mosaic web browser, although Internet connections in the 90s were so slow that web design was very limited, prioritizing fast data transfer, above aesthetics (we are not talking about usability yet, obviously). The webs were made up of text, some colors, no animations or videos.

With the arrival of HTML2, progress was made in web design, allowing the introduction of icons, background images, banners, menus, lists and buttons.

The animations came with HTML3 and the fledgling CSS style sheets . 

In fact, with the evolution of CSS that allowed content and design to be worked separately, this is when we can begin to talk about the importance of usability and user experience .

To date, where not only web design usability and user experience are important, but a good SEO positioning and a good digital marketing strategy are essential for a web page of any type and sector to be competitive , we have the latest tools in languages ​​and technologies for the web: PHP7, Symfony , Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, MySQL, JQuery, Ajax, Angular, etc, etc, etc.

As for the importance of web positioning it is obvious, more and more businesses have web pages, with or without online sales , with more or fewer functions for the user, but rare is the business that does not even have a corporate website , with the The mere objective of informing your potential audience of your products or services, and among so much competition, stand out and appear in the first search results, is increasingly important. And Google doesn’t make it easy with their constant algorithm changes! If you want to know a little more about it, we leave you the trends in web positioning 2019 . #INTERNETDAY 2019: HISTORY AND EVOLUTION

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