On this 8M, International Women’s Day, we want to talk to you about the topic that is closest to us as professionals, that of the presence of women in the technology sector .

We would have liked to write a more specific article and with more current data, on women in web programming , women in web development or women in digital marketing , but to find relatively current information on employment rates or statistics related to the presence of women in sectors specific technology in our country is not an easy task.

According to the newspaper El País, only 22.56% of software and multimedia analysts and designers with women, and only 18.18% of specialists in databases and computer networks are active women, and in the case of web programmers They are only 13.62%, according to data from the 2017 Labor Force Survey in Spain.

This survey reflects how the volume of men working in the technology sector is much higher than that of women since there are 625,000 more men than women.

If we focus on professional web development , the proportion of women working actively in this sector does not exceed 13%, according to Adalab commented in the newspaper El Mundo .

In cybersecurity, only 7% are women, as declared by the Secretary of State for the Information Society and Digital Agenda, José María Lassalle, who also openly affirms the existing machismo in the digital sector .

Regarding research and development in the ICT sector, the presence of women does not reach 31% in any case

Are women not interested in technology, web development, web design, digital marketing? Well, this is not the factor, but rather the orientation from the earliest childhood that is given to the social and care sector, and that is that there is a great paradox in the issue of the under-representation of women in the technology sector, since While 90% of technological products are designed by men, 80% of the consumers of these products are women.

From Booking they have also observed that women like technology, but that we do not access jobs related to it.

At the salary level, women in this sector also earn less, and it is that to begin with, they neither have them nor do they access high positions, as Infojobs commented in this article: https://dirigentesdigital.com/tecnologia/las- technology-companies-those-that-have-less-women-BG549276

More recent are the data that the last Mobile World Congress leaves us on the pending challenge of equality in this sector .

And if it has been difficult for us to find concrete data, current and from official and state sources, imagine also finding statistics on racialized women (black, gypsy, etc.) in the technology sector … but you can get an idea, right?

At Rana Negra, which as you know we are dedicated to web development and digital marketing, we have more women than men and also the management position is shared between a man and a woman, and we are all delighted that it is so!

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