If you have an online store, right now you have a treasure: WHAT DOES YOUR ONLINE STORE NEED TO SUCCEED ON CYBER ​​MONDAY 2017?


We are just a few days away from the days of greatest online purchases: Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, do you already have your e-commerce ready ? If not, hurry up, because you can’t miss the opportunity to increase your online sales.

For these two dates that are so relevant for online sales to be a success for your business, you have to design good discounts and promotions in good time, although you must also bear in mind that your website must be prepared to receive a large number of visits in a short time. weather.

In this sense, it is important that you take into account various aspects, such as having a prepared hosting , since if you do not have a good data transfer capacity, your customers will have problems making their purchases online , and you know what What happens in these cases … they go to the competition!

On the other hand, it is also very important that you have an updated and professional website . Currently, web pages must be adapted to all types of devices on the market, since customers make their purchases from mobile phones, tablets … etc. and it is vital that the page looks good.

If you don’t have a responsive website , your online business is doomed, just like if your website takes a long time to load. It is proven that if a web page takes a long time to load, the client goes to the competitor’s page, you can’t let them escape, it improves the loading speed of your website!

The promotion is also an essential part to succeed in the Black Friday and Cyber Monday, and social networks are your best ally s . Once you have thought about the discounts and promotions that you are going to launch during these days, do not hesitate to promote them by the professional RRSS of your online business.

Thanks to the RRSS your business reaches many more people, you have to think that currently they are the only means of free advertising , yes, their management must always be done professionally. On the other hand, you can also publish your blog post through the RRSS, in order to drive greater traffic to your website.

And speaking of blog, this is your other ally, since it is one of the best ways to position your business. For a blog to fulfill its function, it is vital that quality content is published in it, this is where the concept of content curation intervenes , which is nothing more than searching, collecting, selecting and disseminating quality information.

On the other hand, one of the best marketing strategies today is Google AdWords . Today most people turn to the Google search engine to find everything they need. With this tool you can advertise in a sponsored way, the website of your online store.

Google AdWords works with SEM Positioning , which refers to search engine marketing. In this way, your online business appears in the top positions of Google searches, without a doubt the best way to reach many more potential customers quickly and efficiently.

Continuing with the theme of promotion, it is vitally important that you offer great discounts and promotions in your online store, this is what your potential customers expect on Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. One of the best options is to make offers with a limited time, thus encouraging the potential customer to buy the product immediately.

Another essential part is to notify those offers in good time. Many people are looking for what to buy in the days leading up to these dates. In this sense, it is best to announce which products will be in promotion, so you will be ahead of the competition. If your website is positioned, your offers will be the first they will find when searching.

In addition to all this, you will also have to make sure that you have adequate stock in the warehouse of your online store, to check it, it is best to consult the sales history for the month of December of the previous year. On the other hand, as sales increase, so will shipments, so you have to have enough staff to prepare and send orders to your customers.

If you have an updated and professional website, you already have a lot of ground gained for the next Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday. If, in addition to this, you increase the intensity of your online advertising on Facebook and AdWords for example, success is much closer, but to achieve it, do not forget to manage your stock and your staff well.

Put all these tips into practice in your online store and succeed this Cyber ​​Monday !

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