Get on the bandwagon to increase your pre-Christmas sales: PREPARE YOUR BUSINESS FOR BLACK FRIDAY 2017

You have before you the greatest opportunity to win customers: Black Friday . Do not waste another second of time and contact Rana Negra web development so that you can set up your online store and your users can make all their purchases in the best possible way. You have before you the greatest opportunity to win customers: Black Friday . Do not waste another second of time and contact Rana Negra web development so that you can set up your online store and your users can make all their purchases in the best possible way.

Get off to a great start on the busiest weekend of pre-Christmas sales!

One of the most important aspects is that you start early to prepare the promotions and discounts that you are going to launch in your online store, essential if you sell technology, fashion and beauty . But it is also essential if you do not sell directly online, but you want your target to know that they can buy you that product or service that they have been waiting for for a long time, at the best price. Nowadays, more and more people in Spain know about the phenomenon of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday, in fact sales are increasing more and more on these dates.

There are many people who take advantage of the discounts of Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday to make their Christmas purchases in advance (and better prices). For this same reason, it is necessary to start preparing promotions early.

Today, a large part of people make searches and purchases online from their mobile devices, specifically more inquiries are made from mobile phones than from desktop computers, so the change in consumer trends is already a fact. In this sense, it is very important that your website adapts to these devices. Does yours do it? And remember, almost everyone has the Facebook application on their mobile phones, promote yourself for Black Friday that way too! And from your professional social networks , they will go to your website , if you sell online, maybe you will take the sale and if you don’t, maybe they will visit you in your business and that is where you close the sale, the question is that they know you so that come to buy you!

Currently, the first thing that must be taken into account when designing a web page is that it must look good on all devices, that is, on mobile phones, tablets, computers or any other type of device that may arise in a few years. This is what is known as a responsive website , if your website is not responsive , it is already taking time to adapt it.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that Spain is one of the countries where the most mobiles per head are owned, so many people access your website through their mobile phone. In this sense, it is convenient to know the philosophy of Mobile First , in which the design of the web begins with the mobile version.

If your website is responsive and designed with the Mobile First philosophy, you have already gained a lot of ground, although this is not enough. Loading speed is of vital importance for any web page , since if the user gets tired of waiting, they go to the competitor’s page to make their purchases.

Now that your website already has everything you need to offer a pleasant user experience, you should pay attention to other points. If you really want to succeed with your website, with or without an online store during this Black Friday, you cannot forget about social networks . Currently, online stores that launch their strategy through them see their sales significantly increased.

For example, if your website has a blog , something highly recommended for positioning and to give visibility to your business, you should not forget to promote the post you publish through your brand’s RRSS. Here it should be noted that the profiles of the RRSS should always be professional, never personal profiles. In them you can also share articles from other related blogs or relevant news for your online business sector.

On the other hand, the content of the posts you publish on your blog must always be original, that is, it is not worth copying content from others and publishing it as yours, in addition to not being moral, Google will penalize it. This is where the concept of content curation or content curator comes into play , which is nothing more than searching, selecting and sharing original, truthful and relevant information.

In addition, to improve the positioning of your business , it is recommended that in the articles you publish on your blog you use keywords and that you include links, both external and to other articles already published on your blog. Do not forget to accompany the texts with images and add title and alt to them, this also contributes to positioning.

In addition to all the above, you also have to bear in mind that it is not worth publishing all the posts in all the existing RRSS like crazy. Your online store must have profiles in RRSS that serve you something, that is why there are so many types of RRSS, because each one of them contributes different things to your online business.

In this sense, it is also important that if you have a presence in the RRSS, your profiles are always updated. Your biography always has to offer new information, since through it the image of your online business is created. If you have neglected profiles in the RRSS, your clients will think that your business is too.

Another good idea to give visibility to your business for the next Black Friday, is preparing rewards or advantages for your customers. A good option for an online store is, for example, to offer free shipping during this day or weekend, this will make many customers definitely decide to buy that product that they like so much.

If you have a business that has an updated website, you have a presence in the RRSS, you know your target well , whether they are customers or potential customers and you take advantage of the occasion of Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday, among others, to launch promotions, you will see how it increases your online visibility .  PREPARE YOUR BUSINESS FOR BLACK FRIDAY 2017

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