As every year, we present you the trends in web design. There are still a couple of months to start 2018 but whoever hits first hits twice!

That is why we have already set to work to investigate what the trends in web design 2018 are going to be, and possibly as the months go by, we will hear you completing this information with new ideas and trends that arrive.

It is not that there is a brutal change with respect to the trends in web design 2017 but there is a very clear emphasis: Web designs that load fast and adapted or designed exclusively for smartphones.

And this is so because one of the maxims in web positioning is that web pages load fast , and in the case of web pages browsed from mobile devices , it is even more important if possible.

And we can’t just have a super-loaded web page and wait for it to load fast. Let’s see what are the trends in web design 2018 that are already here:

–          The Material Desing remains the great ally in web design trends and also helps make the page more easily responsive than with three – dimensional design. Of course, we are at a point where web pages designed with templates begin to look too similar to each other, it is not advisable to leave aside the creative part in web design, which can be simple and based on flat elements and duotone, but not be exactly the same or always occupying the same space.

– Goodbye to free images : another reason why many websites are becoming clones of others, especially in the same sector, is the abuse of free and royalty-free images.

– Movement, animations and video : The user does not want to read too much and what they have to read it is convenient that we make it more present through certain animations or movements, with sanity of course, you do not have to return to the web pages before they left you half blind based on banners with bright colors or pop ups that constantly invade the web. But we can put an original slider, videos that explain our products and services, etc. FIRST TRENDS IN WEB DESIGN 2018

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