If you have proposed having an adequate online presence, profiles on social networks and similar Social Media issues … and your boss has told you that this is for individuals and young people and not to reach companies, give them weighty arguments to give the back to the situation.: CONVINCING SLIGHTLY OLD BOSSES OF THE IMPORTANCE OF ONLINE PRESENCE AND SOCIAL MEDIA FOR ANY TYPE OF BUSINESS

Who has not looked at a restaurant’s website to see menu prices or opening hours. Who has not consulted on Facebook the hours of a store, the opinions of users about a product or service, etc.

Nobody can deny the importance of having an adequate online presence , based in any case, on a web page that meets the needs of our consumers and professional profiles on social networks . Nobody? No, your boss still tells you that this is for young people and individuals, that companies are not looking at Facebook or consulting on the Internet. Why not? Behind each professional profile on Facebook , there is at least one person, who has their personal profiles on social networks , and who needs products and services and consults them on Facebook and Google.

A multitude of studies, analyzes, statistics have been carried out … and the vast majority of people, regardless of their age (man, your 90-year-old grandparents may not), are on social networks and consult Google every time they need information, and if they do not consult it, their relatives consult it to recommend products and services. Because with Google there are still certain people who “mess” and do not want to use it, but social networks They are full of people of all ages who are not afraid to use this tool to consult, inform themselves, give their opinion, etc. It is easier to use Google and put a query than to handle Facebook, however, there we have them, sharing photos of the grandchildren, looking at the ads, finding out about the news, giving their opinion on everything that interests them, etc. It is simply because they are struck by the interaction that is achieved in social networks and yet in Google if they do not find what they are looking for the first time, they give up and ask their children or other close people to look at it for them, and well In any case, someone is consulting some services that can be hired, so that of not selling to according to what audience through the Internet and creating a community on social networks,

If you have parents or grandparents of a certain age, surely you have had to look at the schedules for an event, buy them some tickets, look at which store they have X items, etc., etc.

If you are being like in your company, business opportunities are being lost because you do not even have profiles on social networks, we understand you! Some of our clients did not see the importance of having an online presence either.

I think we have already dismantled the myth that social networks are only for young people , right? Well, now you can tell your boss, let him see that he uses the Internet and social networks to find out about products or services that he wants to buy or hire, and that if he does not do it, on more than one occasion someone will have done it for him.

Social networks are a new form of communication and they have taken to stay, they will change, they will evolve, new ones will emerge, the current ones will be extinguished … but we will no longer have a world without social interaction through digital.

Another myth is that social networks are only to share content of humor, nonsense, come on, some other opinion content with which to discuss a while with the brother-in-law and little else. A common mistake is who are launched to have professional profiles, but are not professionals in having this type of profile. We can all send each other nonsense on Whasapp but none of us would think of launching an advertisement on TV with that type of content, because here it is exactly the same logic, because the personal is not the same as the professional.

Social networks do allow us to publish relaxed content, but if we use them in a professional way, this relaxed content must be linked to our marketing strategy, because putting kittens day in and day out, because it is not going to make them buy from you. not be, that you sell kittens, of course.

If your boss refuses to believe in it, show him the Facebook and Twitter profiles of brands such as Coca Cola, McDonalds, Microsoft, Zara, Samsung, Nescafé, Amazon, Trivago, Desigual, Lidl, the Prado Museum, Mercadona…. They professionally manage their content on social networks and often carry humorous notes, but without losing sight of their goal: to show themselves as professionals and leaders in their sector.

Consumers and users hope that companies, large or small, have profiles on social networks , and have a web page , from a purely informative web page to a web page of the most interactive and full of functionalities, according to each type of business , it will take one type or another, but to appear, you have to appear and always in the most professional way and as linked to our line of business as possible.

It is not useful to have profiles on social networks and not update them in 6 months, nor is it useful to have a website that loads slow , the information is not found or it is not responsive, for example.

The non-presence online or its non-updating generates mistrust, it is already perceived as something rare and unusual.

Losing the opportunity to show up just when your potential customers are looking for you is like closing the blind on a physical business when customers walk through the door.

Finally, tell your boss that your competition is already on social networks and already has a website, and that you need a better website and professional management of social networks to reach them, the longer the competition has been doing it, the sooner you you should put the batteries, because they are already positioning themselves in the digital world, and that is not achieved in a couple of weeks or months … Whether you like social networks or not, you must have profiles in which they are appropriate to your business line.

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