If you have your own business and you are passionate about what you do, you strive every day and having better and worse days, you would not change it for anything in the world, let us tell you how to continue like this, but always in a process of transformation and adaptation. LIVE WHAT YOU LIKE WITHOUT STAGNATING

First of all, congratulations, you are a lucky person, not everyone gets to dedicate themselves to their true passion, and we are sure that it has not been easy, we know it, because we are like you, delighted with our work but striving to every moment.

The second, whatever business model you have, to continue in a world as competitive as the one we live in, we have to be constantly evolving and adapting, our potential clients do not behave in the same way for years, nor our competition or Even our suppliers, knowing how to adapt is essential, and that does not mean that you have to lose your vision of how to do things in your business, or that you have to give yes or yes a radical change to your business model.

Take into account where your potential customers are and reach them, both in the form and where. Graphic image and marketing go hand in hand.

You may like what you do a lot, that as long as the salary does not reach you to live, then we are going badly, right? And since the salary does not grow on the trees, we need our clients, that simple and logical. Making yourself known in your city, who your target audience is is a long-term task in which you have to be constant, it will not be worth one day that you distribute flyers among the neighbors of the neighborhood or that you hang a couple of posters Nor with you putting things on Facebook from time to time.

Get into a Google Adwords campaign, work very seriously on SEO positioning, do campaigns on social networks, remind your potential clients that you are there with a newsletter campaign … sell what you sell, products or services, they will look for them on Google, even if the end user will never search for you on Google (let’s take an example of bed pads for children and the elderly) there will be other people buying them for them, so don’t close doors and stay with the neighbors of your neighborhood as customers, because any day, they go to the competition.

Carry out certain promotional actions, both online and offline, that adapt to the tastes of your potential customers, reward their loyalty, that your deal with your customers is what they expect, that the quality of your services is also in line with your audience, are other issues that go beyond digital marketing and are also very important.

Many professionals may ask these questions, but they are so passionate about doing what they really like, or they do not have time, or they are aware of their lack of knowledge about everything that can be done to have a profitable marketing, that they simply they let it pass. But that’s what the professionals in digital marketing and web development are for, to accompany you through the exciting path of evolution in business, so that you can continue dedicating yourself to what you like throughout your life.

We, for our part, hope to be able to surprise you shortly by showing you our team of professionals, which has grown like foam! But we do not want to do it in any way, we will present them to you when we have a ratillo to make some cool design where you can see who we are today the Black Rana family.  LIVE WHAT YOU LIKE WITHOUT STAGNATING

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