In an environment as competitive as the current one, where there are hundreds of similar businesses, how can we differentiate ourselves? Well, either we have a product or service that no one else has, with which, they can only buy it from you, or you have to give added value to your services and get to where your customers are, so that your business is the one that know and trust, before they reach the competition.

In addition to being in a competitive environment, we are in a digital environment, we all consult Google before purchasing a product or service, we consult the opinions there are about it, we look at the profiles on social networks, etc. This is where, whether it is sold directly online or not, that is, whether you have an online store or e-commerce or not, you have to start to distinguish yourself with an impeccable online presence that must start from a professional website , adapted to the needs of each business and each type of client.

Also read this related article: Marketing Tips That Will Help You Grow Your Small Business

Es muy aconsejable para una buena imagen online de tu negocio mostrar los contenidos de la web optimizada para todo tipo de dispositivo digital, hablamos del diseño/maquetación web responsive, para lo cual es bueno seguir la filosofía del Mobile First.

To distinguish ourselves from the competition, first they have to find us, and no one goes out to buy or hire services without having consulted Google before, so the right online presence is essential, if you have a physical business, it must also logically be accompanied by a correct attention to the public, to have the products well ordered and placed, etc. If they come to our website, they like what we offer, but we serve them fatally in person, we will not have done much positioning ourselves on the Internet, but this is something that is not new to anyone, which does seem that professionals still do not have It is very clear that we must also serve our online customers well. How? With a web pageCorrectly designed, layout and programmed, that loads quickly, in which the categories and products are well ordered, that to consult a product or service you have to give the fewest number of clicks, with prices, shipping costs, return policy and questions similar, correctly explained.

Also read this related article: THE REALITY OF STARTING A BUSINESS.

Whether you sell your products or services directly online, through a website with a payment gateway and shopping cart,  or if you do not have an online store or e-commerce , have a website adapted to your line of business, attractive to your users, that it loads quickly and is simple and intuitive, it is essential to increase sales, as we say, we all consult on the Internet before leaving shops, bars, restaurants, before renting accommodation, before changing the furniture at home or in the office, before calling a plumber, before going to the hairdresser, renting an office, buying a home … and if they can’t find you, they’ll find your competition.


For that, there is the importance of appearing well positioned with a good SEO study and also being up-to-date in content and users in social networks, as well as having a responsive web page that is well visualized on all devices, making mobile phones more important. that most users today is the first thing they use before the computer.

If it still seems to you that having a business is having a website in any way, not maintaining it, not creating content on your blog, in short, not investing in the website and its digital marketing , check how many websites are on the Internet : HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE MY BUSINESS FROM THE COMPETITION

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