In this article we are going to try to explain to you how important it is to have a good website for your company, store, business, etc. The website is one more extension of your company or business, in many cases it is the first thing that people in your company see and as they say, the first impression is what counts.: EVERYTHING IMPORTANT IN A WEB PAGE: DESIGN, LAYOUT, PROGRAMMING AND MARKETING

So it could be said that the website is an element that we use to project the image of our company and what we offer and want to sell to our potential audience.

Although this may seem false or incorrect, not everything is to appear on the first pages of search engines. Although we appear at the top in Google, Yahoo, etc. This does not guarantee that we will sell more or that more people will hire our services. Nor am I saying that it is bad to appear in these top positions in search engines, the other way around. Being in those positions, if it is accompanied by a good web design and good web usability , it will make us sell more or make people hire more of the services we offer .

What I mean is that as much as you position the website very well and appear as the first website, if later people enter and do not find what they are looking for in a quick glance, they go to the competition. Like if you see something outdated, something you do not understand, or simply if you do not know how to finish the purchase you wanted to make. Hence the importance of a professional website with a good web design , which captures attention and is intuitive and easily understood by the user. And it is that, as you will end up discovering, the best thing is to use an attractive web design for the user, with a simple web navigation in which you can easily find what you are looking for and without losing the image of the company or the brand.

Because we cannot forget that the website of our company, brand, etc. it is in many cases the first contact that a potential client has with our business. And you can not leave aside that on the Internet there are hundreds of pages, in the best of cases, that offer the same thing that you offer. This implies that apart from finding your website , it has to appear attractive, understandable and above all navigable.

As a button shows, look at the following web page, it makes you tick just to see it: 

Bad web design example

Navigation is one of the most important aspects of our website , because a web design with a bad navigation structure or with a poorly thought-out structure will prevent customers from finding what they are looking for easily and quickly. A web user will be on the main page of your web between 30 and 60 seconds, if after this time, he has not found what he was looking for, it is most likely that he will go to another web page , which will be your competition.

Browsable web

The web design of the cover or the home page is also very important , since in a short period of time, your client will see it and have to process that information to see if they are interested or not, to end up buying or calling . A home page or cover of a web application should clearly show your customer what he wants to find in a few seconds, if you tide he will end up going to the competitor’s website.

On the other hand, you also have to take into account online marketing , communication with customers, for example, messages must be short and clear, because as the saying goes, the good is short, twice as good. There are several studies in which it is shown that 80% of the visitors of a web page do not read the content but rather review it superficially. For this reason, it is advisable that you take the text you plan to use on your website and reduce it by half and once this is done, try to reduce it even more. It is the best way for your message to reach more easily and to more users.

Another key aspect is usability, that is, the user experience , the essence of simplicity, because a web page saturated with graphics, texts and content can lead to confusion and insecurity. You have to be very clear that a potential web customer is usually a busy person who will compare several websites and will pick up the ones that easily and quickly lead to what you are looking for.

Finally, we want to highlight the importance of social networks in recent years , which are the most visited and best-known websites. So having profiles of our business on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. it is more than advisable. Apply your creativity to start moving your website with these new social marketing techniques.

As a final tip, keep in mind that cheap can end up being expensive. You may have a neighbor or friend who knows how to design web pages, but keep in mind that it is not only necessary to have a computer to be a web designer . It is best to leave this in the hands of companies specializing in web programming and web design , all under criteria in turn of online marketing. 

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