We explain the importance of a correct choice of domain to boost the positioning of web pages and how to be perceived by potential customers.: CHOICE OF DOMAIN: WEB POSITIONING AND ONLINE REPUTATION

The domain name you choose for your website is a very relevant factor when it comes to achieving good web positioning and can also affect your online reputation .

How to choose the best domain? Is it better to choose a .com or a .es? We help you choose the domain for your website that best positions your web project.

Web domain

You may want an original domain name, or you may want the name that you already have in your physical business. Without a doubt, it is a good idea, but also take into account the keywords or keywords when selecting a domain or another, for the price they have, the most affordable (we currently have them for 15.60 euros a year) the best is that you choose both the domain name that you like or that you already have in your physical business, and that you also choose another or others that help positioning, we take care of redirecting these domains to a single web page and so, if you already they know and look for you by your business name, perfect, but if they don’t know you and thanks to a good domain and SEO positioningThey find you, better than better, this is how new customers come to you.

As for keywords , logic also enters, if your business is defined by more than 4 keywords, do not use them all in the domain, users will not remember it. If your competition has a domain name very similar to yours, think about it, the same you take away users, as yours go to their website , especially if it takes longer and is well positioned. You will be able to compete with it if you perform a good SEO positioning , if your website is adapted to all browsers and all screens ( responsive design and cross browser ), and also loads fast, facilitates the user experience, has a professional image adapted to your potential customers, and if your products or services are competitive, otherwise, do not try to compete with it.

Another aspect to take into account is the subject of the scripts when choosing the domain of your website . If possible, avoid it , historically bad practices have been carried out with domains with several hyphens, even in a row (-) and hyphens in domain names is something that Google does not quite like If you must use hyphens, make it one at the most.

The best of the best, that your domain is a single word, but it is possible that if your business is not a novelty and you can choose the exact keyword, it is already taken. We check all the options you have available and we recommend the ones that are best to position your website.

And which domain extension is better? It all depends on your business, we always recommend acquiring both .es and .com, so the competition will not take away the other, and users often do not remember whether it was one or the other and we tried both. Of course if your project is international, opt for the .com but even so, we continue to recommend both, for Spain, of course, but the same concept is applicable to any other part of the world.

Let’s take an example, you are dedicated to selling handmade beads, for example, the bead domain and the craft bead domain are already taken, but without a doubt you have to check it first, if you find that an individual sells it at a much higher price of Normally, value buying it, it is an excellent domain to position your business. You have to find another name that positions, it is not too long, etc., etc., surely it is not an easy task since there are hundreds of websites of artisan creations. And let’s say that you already have a physical store called Las Pulseras de Pepita, well, our recommendation in this case is to reserve the domain, and the domains with keywords that we have found (for example, “want bracelets” in both .com and .es).

Perfect domain name

When choosing a domain, in addition to pure web positioning , online reputation must be taken into account, not long ago there was a general joke with the domain that the PSOE chose for Pedro Sánchez, since existed previously, and they opted for, no one is going to remember that name and people also got a lot of fun with the lack of vowels. After this error, they chose the domain, which although it is not as terrible as the previous one, I doubt very much that people know the second surname of this man, no matter how much he is president of the PSOE.

The sooner the better, but especially when your business begins to stand out above the rest, be careful with your online reputation and the possible domains that may arise. At Amazon they have armored against dissatisfied customers with free time and unfair competition by acquiring the domain (Amazon sucks).

In Ikea they were not so far-sighted they created and although they fought for this page to cease to exist, Internet users jumped on them, leaving the image of Ikea at the height of the mud and Ikea had to give up that fight. However, Sofía Vergara, who was using her name on a website for commercial purposes, did well and the website had to close. Of this type of examples we would have a long list to give you.

Professional domain advice

Let the professionals advise you, we are constantly informed about how to make your website succeed, and we know what is stated here … and much more!

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