Everything you need to know about ecommerce and the present and future of consumers and users: Millennials.: THOSE WHO BUY THE MOST ONLINE: MILLENNIALS

The generation of Millennials, also known as generation Y, are those born between the 80s and 1995 (there are those who even include those born before the year 2000), and are characterized by being “digital natives”, familiar from always with digital technology and online communication . Of course, they are huge fans of social media and they use it on a daily basis.

Not only Millennials, if not more and more users of all ages and places, look for information on the Internet before making a purchase, although this digital generation stands out statistically, and 62% of them consult and research online before to make a purchase. Both you buy online in online stores and / or ecommerces as in physical stores. Hence the importance that we always highlight at Rana Negra, whether or not you sell online, have an adequate online presence .

It should be borne in mind that Millennials have also started to be consumers in the midst of a crisis, which makes them search and search for information on where to buy cheaper, compare opinions, and buy what they are really looking for.

Millennials online sale

That your website has a simple structure, where the characteristics of your products are clearly reported, with prices and shipping costs clearly explained, is a point in favor for all users, and it is especially so for this generation. And for those around them, since not only are they the ones who investigate before making a purchase, but they are asked for advice from family and acquaintances, and they do not hesitate to navigate and navigate to find exactly what they are looking for and inform your acquaintances about it. So if your target audience is not among this generation, you should keep taking them into account, they are great opinion makers for other older generations.

Another fact to keep in mind is that 75% of Millennials end up buying online. But first, 58% search on Google to find out about the products they see on TV and have found them interesting, 45% navigate directly to the advertiser’s website and 45% choose to find out about social networks to better understand the products and brands.

And it is there, on your own website and on social networks , where it should find you, without neglecting what is said about your brand in other online media, hence the importance of monitoring your presence on the Internet.

Ah! Fundamental, they must find you, for this you must have a web page positioned correctly, otherwise they will never know that you exist.

When they find you and offer them what they are looking for in a clear way, with competitive prices and clear and precise information about the purchase process, they will buy from you and most will recommend you to their friends, and about 20% will become your follower on the social networks . More than 10% will comment that they have bought in your online store , in your ecommerce or in your physical store on Twitter.

Millennials leave us keys for our online store or our ecommerce to succeed, attending to reasons that are not at all crazy, right? Wouldn’t you like yourself, whatever your age, to buy online with all the data at hand, on a beautiful and functional website, responsive, with good prices and without excessive shipping costs?

Millennials, great users of the latest technology and online media, use the PC and the Smartphone almost equally to search for information on the Internet, 75% and 72% respectively (the data overlap because logically, they tend to use both devices). To a much lesser extent (but beware, everything will come) they use the smart TV and game consoles.

This generation spends more time with their smartphone, talking and receiving information, than passively watching TV.  THOSE WHO BUY THE MOST ONLINE: MILLENNIALS

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