BOOK Chapter 2: Deconstructing Social Media
BOOK Chapter 2: Deconstructing Social Media
This one is about elementary logic, it is something that no one will teach you and probably NO COURSE will give it to you, I assure you.
By understanding the logic that platforms follow, it is easy to prospect where digital trends are heading. I am sure it works and is still valid at the time you are reading this book because this interpretation responds to cognitive biases rooted in human interaction and that of course are reflected in digital platforms.
My argument is that if kids were interested in marketing, they would be the best. I have never seen or found a single child who feels an interest or need to study topics focused on marketing, we see little geniuses of mathematics, engineering, music and even cooking, but I have not heard of a genius child dedicated to marketing, it would be great to find a marketer kid.
If you have nephews, children or if you live with small children, you will surely have seen impressed how they manipulate YOUR CELLULAR OR TABLET better than you. At that moment something like, at his age, I barely understood the VCR or the pirated decoder in my house. These children handle almost natural technology, it is when the grandparents come to the attack: “He is a super intelligent child” “no other child has his ability” just look, as the first time he understood everything, that child is a genius , exceeds the average for his age.
3 considerations: BOOK Chapter 2: Deconstructing Social Media
I have children and I understand the bias generated by the impression and tenderness of seeing them become independent, but I can assure you, they are not geniuses, you would not be at home with him if that were the case, it happens to all of us, I feel like breaking the illusion, it is the minimum capacity natural of every child.
1.- This did not happen in your childhood because technology did not respond to a natural cognitive development of human behavior, people had to complicate and adapt in the use of technology, today it is the other way around.
2.- Children have much more effective and complex learning processes than an adult, they do not have taboos or mental blocks, for them there is no fear or shame, they imitate exactly what you do, they make the process their own and then they reason about it and They ask what and why each thing is, once that complex (literal) scientific method is concluded, they focus on improving it and making the process their own.
This is important because they never saw us (us adults) hesitate or break our heads to use a cell phone, which was very common with the technology of before, to repair something you had to call the technician or go personally to the attention center, now everything is solved with tutorials on the internet or there are hundreds of electronics repair technicians.
3.- All parents and grandparents believe that their children are more intelligent than usual and that they stand out from the majority, this is due to the fact that we idealize and project qualities that exalt us, like an artist before his work comparing it with that of others, It is very common believe me and it rarely reflects reality since the point of comparison will always be childhood and biased perception of the adult himself and rarely reflects the average reality of the matter.
Understanding social media: BOOK Chapter 2: Deconstructing Social Media
As we have already commented, adaptation occurs because the platforms are configured to be intuitive and natural to the human being, before technology was not like that, more an impact solution was sought, although it was complicated to use, now minimization is sought effort, make the most of natural human behavior and propose solutions focused on concrete and non-general specific needs.
We must understand that a social network is still a product / service, something that at one point was in the mind of an entrepreneur and that undoubtedly underwent a process of maturation and evolution in the market.
As much as we romanticize social networks as unprecedented inventions and as mega paradigms brought from another dimension, in essence they remain a common product launched on the market to be sold and consumed crudely. This means that social networks, which basic basket product, continue to comply with the most fundamental rules in development and improvement of products, processes and costs.
As they are products, they have a packaging (colors, presentations, sizes, etc.) and a branding that gives them meaning and context, that is, they have a brand identity. Learn this concept, it is widely used in the digital world.
We know that there will not be another Facebook or something that competes with it or that resembles it because the need and purpose that Facebook covers is already done, there is no longer a need for another that does exactly the same, if you can understand it you will realize that You already have a frame of reference when you analyze or new platforms arrive, you will know that if it is succeeding it is because it does something that Facebook does not have well covered.
Each of the successful social networks specialize in a very specific aspect, an aspect in which they are kings and that is usually a neglected aspect in other social networks.
Blow your mind: BOOK Chapter 2: Deconstructing Social Media
I just gave you some great advice, with the previous two paragraphs you can be perfectly capable of theorizing, prospecting for the future of the next great wave of social networks or being perfectly prepared for what is coming and anticipating it.
A few years ago in my seminars I preached that YouTube would one day have stories like Snapchat’s and that Instagram would have videos like YouTube’s, few believed me, most took it as anecdotal, but I remember receiving a lot of emails from impressed people when it happened years. after the seminars.
It is precisely what I want to convey to you, that you learn to project this deductive logic and use it in your day to day on the internet.
Not just for social media but for any industry, product or service. For example, applying this way of thinking, you could analyze what type of public consumes a product and / or service and what purchasing logic is in that industry, what is being sold like and what consumer alternatives are around, not what get complex, just reason it out, do the exercise in your head over and over again, that’s enough.
The more you practice it, you will find patterns that are repeated, you will say ah very well, if the competition is doing X then the other competition does not take long to do X as well, but I have realized that that other competition always takes some time to do. movement, then, if we do X before they we would be earning them all those sales; is a very generic example, but perfectly applicable.