Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
It is a fundamental step, not only for work, but for everything in your life.
In this chapter I am going to show you why a community manager is capable of doing and learning whatever it is, CMs have a deep-rooted tool that can make us learn whatever is faster than anyone else, I will explain it to you:
It is not a method, nor a magic formula, it is what in my experience has worked and has helped me to be hired, it is NOT something that I have invented, I have read, researched and practiced it through coaching strategies, Growth Hacking and NeuroOratoria.
Of course, there are activities or skills more complex than others (learning quantum physics is not the same as love verses) and that as complex as these new skills are, you will have to spend more or less time on them, but this will not mean you Rather than letting time pass without affecting your current plans.
Before I start with the advice, I need you to understand that you are free
Like you, I spend time watching series, movies, vlogs, etc. But even so I do not stop progressing because I put into practice and make sense of my time. Immediately get away from whoever tells you that by using your free time to watch YouTube or Netflix you are not productive, do not allow them to tell you things like that you live evading your reality, stop following the typical entrepreneurial coach who is always criticizing your tastes.
I don’t feel like a failure or trapped in a fantasy bubble for spending time on YouTube or watching series. To that we must add that I listen to podcasts, radio, comedy and magazine channels. All this helps me to generate ideas, concepts, reflections. It helps me to be more creative coming up with ideas every day. With my notebook and agenda in hand, I never stop doing anything that I like.
I love the content of so many youtuber and I spend time on TikTok. You could say that I am mega childish and I am very excited about all the genius that appear on social networks and I say it with pride, not with regret.
The 4 steps for you to learn to learn :Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
A great quality that every Community Manager should have are four aspects that will make you a better Community Manager, someone capable of dominating any community out there in the digital world.
A) Convince yourself:Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
Convincing yourself is really meditating and thinking very deeply if you really want it, if you really are willing or willing to give up and change what is necessary to be that new person that you will be once you reach your goal.
There is no use saying “I have to learn this out of obligation” or “I have to take this course for any reason” if you say that to yourself, don’t do it, don’t sabotage yourself, in this life you are not obliged to do anything If something does not fill you, you will never really learn.
If you are doing something that does not fulfill you, immediately change your profession, strategy, line of business, industry, dynamics, whatever, but make a change. Dedicate yourself to those things that fill you, that awaken you ambition and motivation to learn, because then you will be really productive and you will make money.
Remember that a digital crack, a Community Manager or any content creator has to adapt to a niche, a segment, a communication channel and the more specific the better, with this I do not want to tell you that you cannot learn new things for not being part of your specialty, on the contrary, you can have all the specialties you want, but one at a time.
B) wrap yourself, change your environment:Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
If you really want to learn something you must fully immerse yourself in the subject, you must be able to see it everywhere. If you want to learn French, check your interests, clean up all your networks, remove the follow from those friends who do not contribute to you, I am not saying delete them but try to free up space from what appears in your newsfeed.
Also skip groups that do not interest you, review everything, absolutely everything you consume and immediately afterwards replace all those spaces of your interests with the new goal that you will learn. Get into as many “learn French” groups as you can, look for groups called “talking to people from France who want to learn Spanish”, search for French blogs and add them to your RSS feed . buy magazines and books On the subject, put all the content you can in French, bombard yourself with the subject, even if you do not consume it, after much exposure you will subconsciously end up consuming it.
Do not underestimate this point, a thousand and one things will happen simply doing that, suddenly you will realize that you begin to focus your attention naturally on everything that has to do with the subject, suddenly you will find yourself walking down the street in a ” Mexico-France culture expo ”that you saw in a Facebook event where you will meet a gallant or gallant from France, they will fall in love and spend many years together and“ vualá ”you learn French.
And suddenly you will see advertisements, methods and applications to continue learning, you will know so many new things …
That is a Community Manager, it is a digital crack that breaks audiences, they achieve anything only using social networks.
3.- Show off, brag and enjoy the process
It is good to kill yourself for learning and to put all the effort in the world, it is good if you do it but if you relax it goes further. You may really do what you like best by integrating new things.
In the example of learning French, you could put your favorite series in French, consult recipes, sing or dance in that language, the point is that you enjoy the process.
Something that will make you enjoy the process to the fullest is to show off, brag, show off your French on social networks, upload a video reciting a poem, sing to your loved one in French, etc. We do not live from criticism, we live from results, take off your covers and shout to the world what you learn.
Bragging is not bad, the basketball player, the boxer, the fighter and the most famous soccer player in history were also the most conceited and conceited, analyze it, there is why.
4.- Be methodical and orderly
Order and progress: You should always adhere to your learning a hard element, a method, a theory, the school, the knowledge, the inflexible rules that you must know to learn.
For something language courses are divided into blocks, volumes, steps, in learning processes, for something exams and tests are important. You must have an indicator of how much you are progressing and in what time, you must follow a process so that it is not empty knowledge, but that you really know the rules.
What if you want to learn to swim or become a champion of a video game, what if you want to learn to play guitar, then it is not so clear that tangible numerical data will help us measure our progress, so never neglect the part of the teachers , of the courses, of the methodologies and to.Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
There are days that it will not be fun or relaxed, but it is part of the process and you must live it because that will make you enjoy everything more in general and without this last ingredient, the rest would definitely not happen, I assure you. Believe it or not, there are courses to learn anything, even to play video games.Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
Regardless of whether you want to be a Community Manager or not, without a doubt these tips seem key to being a digital crack, we should definitely all be Community Managers of our lives. Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn
If you got to this point it is because you liked it, you are not fooling me. If so, I would greatly appreciate you sharing this episode of my Community Managers From Zero Book, every week I will be publishing a new chapter hoping it will be of much use to you. No more for the moment, I say goodbye.Community Managers Book Chapter 7: Learn to Learn