Are school support apps effective?


 Are school support apps effective?

You might be wondering, and it’s understandable. Like web pages, there are many applications to help students progress in some subjects while having fun.
Currently, the mobile is  a tool that is used a lot by young people  and, therefore, by today’s students. Some teachers also use new technologies in their classes.
Most of the apps are totally free and some are free up to a certain level, which is a good way to test the app before purchasing. Be that as it may, the new school support resources are attracting more and more parents because they manage to  attract the attention of students.
Applications are typically made by developers and graphic designers to be fun, but experienced teachers are also involved, thus combining fun and education . That is why this type of school support can be very effective for your children’s academic progress.

The mobile is a tool used by the vast majority of adolescents.:  Are school support apps effective?

Although they will never replace classes or the presence of a tutor,  the lessons, games, exercises and challenges, which motivate the student , can be accessed anytime and anywhere .
You can download them depending on the level of the student. For elementary students, we recommend the following: DotToDot numbers & letters and MathLands. For high school students: Khan Academy, Sys2E, Anatomy, Chemistry, Free Atlas, Beebrite Edu and Mindomo. To learn English, you can download Busuu, and to check your spelling, Los busters.

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