Overview of tutoring classes in the world


Overview of tutoring classes in the world

Is the school support different depending on the latitude, the culture and the climate? This is what we are going to try to discover together as an aperitif …
The first thing to look at in this panorama of global school support is the uniqueness of … Spain!
More and more Spaniards hire private classes. Knowing that black work affects 80% of this volume!
There is talk of one high school student in three and one elementary school student in five : a number on the rise for several decades …
Pedagogy, a real challenge that needs to be improved, whatever the place. Source: visualhunt.com
From a strictly mathematical point of view, it is observed that school support is less present in the Anglo-Saxon countries (which generally have a fairly elitist educational system and divided into levels) than in the countries of Latin Europe.
A continent like Africa is a case apart, as a consequence of its weak economic power.
Literacy is still rare in many of the territories, private classes are a formidable way to fight illiteracy for many NGOs and humanitarian associations.

In NPI (New Industrialized Countries) and emerging countries, whether in Asia or Latin: Overview of tutoring classes in the world

America, private classes are hired by parents who want to ensure a brilliant professional future for their offspring .
In these latitudes, private classes are considered a springboard to reach desirable situations.

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