What is school support like in North America?


What is school support like in North America?

School support in North America concerns two very rich countries and one emerging country: the United States, Canada and Mexico, with a population of around 530 million inhabitants.
The poverty rate, paradoxically, can be quite high, and all children are out of school.
Private classes were not very common before they began to take off fifteen years ago more or less.
For the inhabitants of the USA it was all due to federal power since 2002, pushing teachers to give extracurricular classes, which were aimed mainly at preadolescents with difficulties.
In this sense, specific financing systems were implemented that passed directly through the schools. At the same time, the classes at home multiplied.
In Canada, school support agencies experienced a boom in 30 years – a jump of 200 even 500%!
A quarter of Ontario households would have used this type of service, with a percentage that exceeds 10% for the country as a whole.
In these regions, the sphere of private classes is still being transformed by the digital revolution. E-learning, personalized distance coaching and online support classes are very common there.
Latin America
The two languages ​​that dominate on this continent are Spanish and Portuguese. But French and Dutch also have their place, no matter how small … How is school support in South America ?
Developed or emerging countries such as Chile, Argentina and Brazil, are distinguished from countries with a more precarious economy, such as Bolivia.
Iberoamerica. Learning foreign languages ​​is becoming more and more important. Source: imcreator.com
Perhaps more than anywhere else, Latin American school support is made up of an elitist character.
Access to school support varies enormously according to social class. Only the wealthiest can access it.
Fortunately, NGOs help the most disadvantaged regions.
It is necessary to know that there would be up to 7 million children who do not have access to schooling in all of South America!

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