DAF and DSH exams to study in Germany


DAF and DSH exams to study in Germany

According to the topic the German words are very long. For once, the rumor is true!
Do you want to study in Germany? The DAF and DSH exams give you access to study in Germany.
Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (“TestDaF” for friends) validates the command of German as a foreign language, while the Deutsch Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (more digestible under its name “DSH”) is proposed directly by the universities of Tudescas.
We advise you to pass the first DAF German test in Spain thanks to the Goethe-Institut, rather than waiting for the start of the university course in Germany for the DSH (also paid anyway): waiting until the latter, means risking doing it again the suitcase and take the way back in case of suspending it.
Fluency in writing | DAF and DSH exercises are very demanding | source: unsplash.com
One of these two diplomas (each lasting 3h30) is necessary , unless you have the Abitur , for those who want to follow classes in Germany outside of an institutionalized cross-border program.
The TestDaF attributes a level B2 or C1. The DSH has a mark out of 5, each German faculty sets its own admission threshold.

What is the BULATS Deutsch-Test?: DAF and DSH exams to study in Germany

With an official language status in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, in the county of Opole (in Poland), in certain Brazilian constituencies and within the Vatican’s Swiss Guard, German offers numerous possibilities to its speakers.
The German BULATS , launched at the initiative of Cambridge Assessment, is available to Spaniards who want to pursue an international career in the heart of a globalized economy.
Initially available for English, French, Spanish and German, it has been going through a difficult period since 2015.
Now, the BULATS only concerns professional English.
For professional German, the Goethe-Institut has replaced the BULATS Deutsch-Test in 2017 with a Deutsch-Test für den Beruf (or “Goethe-Test PRO”).
There are no failures, after between 60 and 90 minutes of testing, according to the note, a precise European level is obtained, from A1 to C2 , valid for two years.
The exam is done by computer , the program automatically chooses the questions based on the answers of each candidate.
It will be difficult for you to find a firm that does not attach importance to it …
Promotion hope | Adidas is one of the many companies that places great importance on BULATS | source: stocksnap.io
Now you just have to know what you need, depending on your project and your situation.

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