The benefits of drawing for children


The benefits of drawing for children

Drawing allows the child to improve his fine motor skills. By learning to hold a pencil, coordinate movement, and draw lines, the child is guided step by step through the process of learning to write.

learn to draw
The first drawings – the beginning of a long story!

The stages of development

From 18 months to 6 years, a gradual process takes place . The first spiral squiggles give way to straighter lines. The uncontrolled movements at the beginning are more accurate. Little by little the child learns to stop the pencil when he wants.

Then come the first drawings:

  • Shapes
  • Lines
  • Circles …

And the first puppets!

The child really begins to draw. Through his drawings, he represents what he knows. Although it is still far from realistic drawing, it expresses itself in its own way.

A good activity for your health

Apart from developing their motor skills, drawing is a beneficial activity for children . In this way, they will be able to:

  • Reaffirm yourself, gain confidence and progress.
  • Express your emotions and your state of mind, according to your movements and the colors you use.
  • Develop your cognitive abilities by exercising your brain.
  • Strengthen your fingers and wrist to better grip drawing tools.
  • Develop your ability to concentrate and your sense of observation.

Also, drawing is a good activity for morale, at any age. It allows:

  1. Relax.
  2. Unburden.
  3. Focus your thoughts.

Children make rapid progress in drawing . His drawings are more and more precise and details appear. The first sketches give way to more complex productions: real life scenes, where you can see characters, landscapes, animals … They are like the materialization of the stories that the child tells.

From the age of 6, the sense of observation develops and the child begins to draw more realistic drawings. If you want to help him develop his artistic sense, you can enroll him in painting classes .

Do not hesitate to sign them up for some painting classes in Madrid .

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