Benefits of practicing regional dances


Benefits of practicing regional dances

Dancing is an excellent sport and if we also learn more about our culture or learn new cultures, all the better.

So that cultural aspects of a society do not remain only in books and audiovisual documents, we must try to make them last; and taking an interest in typical Spanish dances and practicing them is a good way to collaborate.

Dancing helps you connect with yourself . You let your body flow and the music travel through your body. In addition to the obvious benefits for your physical health, dancing also helps with your mental health.

On a physical level, it helps you stay in shape. Everyone should do a minimum of exercise to be healthy, so dancing is a great idea. Depending on the type of dance, you will improve different aspects.

If it is an energetic dance, you will improve your endurance and your cardiovascular health . A few disciplines will increase your flexibility. Others will make your muscles strong. Balance and strength will benefit. The good thing about dancing is that you work your whole body, since for the correct execution of a dance you have to take into account how we move each part of us, even the grimaces we make with our face or where we direct our eyes.

On the cognitive level, dancing also helps a lot, since when you dance you have to think about the steps and their execution, as well as remember a dance and then reproduce it; so we also work our minds when dancing .

On a psychological level, doing a dynamic group activity will favor your mood . Most of the people who dance affirm that this practice helps them to disconnect and focus only on enjoying that moment and having a good time with the people who are there.

This improvement in mood and that moment of disconnection translates into a reduction in stress . So if you suffer from nervousness or anxiety, dancing can be a good way to “blow off steam.”

The vast majority of regional Spanish dances are danced in pairs or in groups, so practicing these dances will make you connect with others and create a special bond with your dance partner.

And what is the best dance for health? They all bring benefits. The best dance for you is the dance you enjoy the most. Dancing has to be a moment for you, to share with people who have the same passion and to enjoy. So if you are thinking of signing up for regional dances and you don’t know which one, don’t hesitate to try several and choose the one you like the most.

Advantages of practicing dance.
Dance as a refuge. Photo by Aliaksei Manlyx. Benefits of practicing regional dances

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