Dance teacher: where to find a job


Dance teacher: where to find a job

Regardless of the way you practice your profession, here are the  main places to  find work as a dance teacher :

  • Regional conservatories,
  • Dance schools,
  • Dance academies,
  • Colleges, institutes and universities,
  • Dance associations,
  • Choreographic centers in your region.

According to these sites, you can teach in a gym, as well as in an equipped dance hall as in a classical studio.

Where to find work as a dance teacher
In a studio, outside or in an institution: dance is taught everywhere!

Teaching to dance also involves finding a comfortable situation for yourself. Therefore, you should ask yourself questions about your wishes: do you prefer to have a contract in a school, but which will offer you less freedom? Or do you want to make all the decisions to teach your dance classes with total freedom?

Teaching how to dance correctly is also knowing how to pass on knowledge: head to places that can hire you based on your skills and experience. To do this, nothing better than looking for work in a dance teaching place according to the cities.

Dance classes in Madrid are more widespread and more numerous than in small cities. You can join a dance company in Madrid or set up your dance academy in a city in the country. At the beginning of your career, it is better to focus on the big cities: Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga, Murcia, Bilbao, etc.

Once you’ve found the place to teach, it’s time to define the format for your private lessons. Dance teacher: where to find a job

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