The best pages to improve in the Spanish Language
The best pages to improve in the Spanish Language

Next, we present the best web pages to consult your doubts about Spanish, structured in three categories: grammar, conjugations and online exercises.
Grammar: The best pages to improve in the Spanish Language
The Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubts (DPD) is a reference work, composed of more than 7000 entries, in which an answer is given, in a clear and reasoned way, to the most common doubts that the use of Spanish raises today, whether of a nature. phonographic (pronunciation, accentuation, punctuation, spellings, etc.), morphological (plural, feminine, forms of conjugation, etc.), syntactic (problems of construction and regime, concordance, leism, dequeism, etc.) or lexicosemantic (improprieties lexicons, objectionable semantic tracings, neologisms and foreign words or place names and gentilices of doubtful or hesitant spelling).
Conjugations: The best pages to improve in the Spanish Language
To avoid the typical errors in verb conjugations (correct use of the imperative, irregular verbs, etc.), you can always consult some pages online:
- The conjugator of the RAE dictionary . When you search for a verb, right next to the word, you will find a box that says «Conjugate».
- The conjugator of Reverso . You can introduce verbs in the infinitive, such as “eat”, “play” … but also conjugated forms, such as “wanted”, “had”, “wrote”. The conjugator recognizes the pronominal forms (“to meet”, “to get angry”) and negative forms in the infinitive (“not to know”). In addition, you can consult a list of Spanish verbs with double participle by clicking on the “Verbs with double participle” tab.
Online exercises
Spanish is a difficult language whose logic can sometimes discourage foreign students. Whether you study Spanish as a second language or if it is your mother tongue, it is important to put yourself to the test . To do this, on the Internet you will find lots of exercises and tests to learn and improve, such as:
On this page you will find an infinity of exercises on accentuation, capital letters, punctuation, abbreviations, gentilics, foreign words, doubtful words, homophone words, prefixes and suffixes, acronyms and acronyms. Don’t hesitate to keep an eye on it!
Finally, we propose two quite difficult challenges: this small test on the latest spelling reforms of the RAE and the spelling test to enter the National Police, which they have been forced to cancel due to its difficulty and that lately is giving so much that speak. The best pages to improve in the Spanish Language