School orientation: establish a new educational project


School orientation: establish a new educational project

Establish an educational project for yourself

Do you see your professional future plans very black?

School orientation.
Why don’t you run an orientation report on your own?

Thanks to the different sites where you can consult resources to develop an action plan to follow in the short or long term, you will be able to obtain good academic results, or at least a performance that adapts to your personal project.

Starting in the second year of secondary school, the student will have the possibility to begin an interrogation on his academic and professional orientation . In this case, it is not a question of adding more pressure to the student, but of approaching the subject of the professional world without suffering the burden of having to prepare for the exams (written tests and oral high school tests).

The educational project is composed as follows :

  • Self-exploration: leisure, personality, duration of studies, type of studies that correspond to your personality (higher education, professional path …).
  • Exploration of your aptitudes: professional preferences, competences, analysis of school results.
  • Exploration of possible professions: branches of specialization to be followed, duration of the training offer, place where training is given, professional evolution, salary …
  • Analysis of the feasibility of the project: adequacy between the project and the student’s competences, limits of the project, difficulties in admission to school, eventual mobility.

To establish an educational action plan, students and parents have at their disposal numerous pedagogical resources , such as websites, educational applications or events for students (open houses, student lounge …).

This way you will have everything you need to do a simple and concise project before your First class!

Establish an educational project with a counselor

The most effective way to write your plan of action for the future is to trust a specialist in that field.

The counselor will welcome all students seeking to succeed academically. The student will be able to prepare a school and professional orientation report through an individual interview, followed by a session of analysis and exploration of the possibilities that the student has.

The counselor not only gives answers, he also guides the student throughout the academic year.

Thanks to the counselor, you will be able to have access to information for young people, tests to discover what profession you can dedicate yourself to, brochures about information on a certain specialization …

Finding your way with a professional will give you some security, especially before high school. This way you will be able to discover the possible professions before obtaining the Graduate in Secondary Education. School orientation: establish a new educational project

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