School guidance: how to change branch of specialization?


School guidance: how to change branch of specialization?

Change branch of specialization in the institute

Have you already started your first year of Baccalaureate and it seems too late to change tracks? You’re wrong!

In Spain, 2nd year students must continue taking the chosen modality in the first year. However, 1st year students will be able to choose a new itinerary if they return to 1st year.

To change the itinerary in the first year of high school, you can follow one of our recommendations:

  1. Consult the teachers of each itinerary and the counselor , to be able to decide on the new itinerary and the viability of your project. The director of the center will turn to the council to make the decision, which in many cases, is an improvement for the student.
  2. Submit a paper application to the center director . After an analysis of the class and the student’s interest, the principal will make his decision. The application may be rejected due to a lack of available places, but this is rarely the case.

The change of itinerary continues to be a great source of understanding for the student. Therefore, parents must ensure support to facilitate their insertion into the educational system and their new class.

Change branch of specialization at the university

Many are the students who, once they start a training, realize that it is not made for them.

School orientation.
Among the hundreds of careers that you can choose from when entering university, it is easy to have doubts.

You have at your disposal many solutions to be able to reorient yourself in the best possible way.

The main difficulties are not administrative. In fact, any student can request a change of modality  to start a new course in September (usually in summer, since that will be the moment when the educational project makes sense). The main problem is the retargeting itself, as this must be taken with caution . Some students turn to counseling, but then realize that they don’t like their decision and turn to retargeting again – a vicious cycle to avoid to avoid wasting time.

It is always possible to resort to  private coaching .

At Superprof, the average price for one hour of school orientation is € 15. It will be enough to take a few hours to raise the doubts and questions you have, set yourself a new project and continue with your academic path.

A simple solution for a bright future. School guidance: how to change branch of specialization?

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