10 reasons to take Chemistry classes


10 reasons to take Chemistry classes

First of all, we are going to talk about why study Chemistry . There are probably more than ten reasons why you should take at least some basic Chemistry classes, but let’s summarize them.

why study chemistry
The petrochemical industry has provided many job opportunities for chemists in recent decades, but this is changing as oil reserves are running out and there is increasing research on alternative fuels.

Here are some reasons why you should take Chemistry classes:

  • It will help you better understand the world around you: from the structure of molecules to the oxidation-reduction of atoms and compounds, chemistry is the key.
  • It will help you in your daily life,  from reading food labels to knowing how to handle cleaning products.
  • It will make you cook better, since all food is made of chemical compounds and cooking is simply changing the chemical bonds, using the properties of matter and playing with combustion, oxidation, reduction, solubility and chemical reactions, to make the ingredients are tastier.
  • Chemistry offers many career opportunities, from nuclear chemistry to biological chemistry or analytical chemistry.
  • It is the link  between mathematics and physics and biology.
  • It is a very practical science and you will often have to perform qualitative chemical analysis, chromatography and titration.
  • Chemistry is fun.
  • It will help you understand current events.
  • It will help you understand the medications you take.
  • You will be part of a better future. 10 reasons to take Chemistry classes

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