Reason 3: Chemistry offers a multitude of job opportunities


Reason 3: Chemistry offers a multitude of job opportunities

We have already mentioned it, but chemistry, being present in many scientific disciplines, expands the opportunities to find employment. Among the professional opportunities you can access, we find:

  • Service area: administration tasks (agricultural control, health laboratories, customs, drug analysis, doping control, water analysis) in the private and public sectors.
  • Teaching: secondary education, professional training, university education or business trainer.
  • Research area: programming and development of research programs, direction of doctoral theses, etc.
  • Gene therapy: agricultural chemistry, study of materials, energy, environmental conservation chemistry …
  • Occupational risk prevention, prevention services, audits in prevention management systems, training in occupational risk prevention, safety coordinator …
  • Industry: industrial applications, manufacture of chemical and energy materials and products.

As you can see, the outings are not limited to research and teaching, as is often believed … Taking chemistry classes can open all these doors. Reason 3: Chemistry offers a multitude of job opportunities

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