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- MF0820_2: Electrical installations in residential buildings (170 hours).
- UF0884: (Transversal) Assembly of electrical connection installations in buildings (60 hours).
- UF0885: Assembly and maintenance of low voltage electrical installations in residential buildings (80 hours).
- UF0886: (Transversal) Prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the assembly and maintenance of electrical installations (30 hours).
- MF0821_2: Electrical installations in office buildings, shops and industries (230 hours).
- UF0884: (Transversal) Assembly of electrical connection installations in buildings (60 hours).
- UF0887: Installation and maintenance of indoor electrical installations (90 hours).
- UF0888: Preparation of technical documentation according to the REBT for the installation of premises, shops and small industries (50 hours).
- UF0886: (Transversal) Prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the assembly and maintenance of electrical installations (30 hours).
- MF0822_2: Automated electrical installations and automation installations (240 hours).
- UF0889: Assembly and repair of electrical automation (60 hours).
- UF0890: Assembly of automated installations (90 hours).
- UF0891: Repair of automated installations (60 hours).
- UF0886: (Transversal) Prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the assembly and maintenance of electrical installations for (30 hours).
- MF0823_2: Assembly and maintenance of low voltage overhead electrical networks (120 hours).
- UF0892: Assembly of low voltage overhead electrical networks (60 hours).
- UF0893: Maintenance of low voltage overhead electrical networks (30 hours).
- UF0886: (Transversal) Prevention of occupational and environmental risks in the assembly and maintenance of electrical installations (30 hours).
- MF0824_2: Assembly and maintenance of low voltage underground electrical networks (110 hours).
- UF0894: Assembly of low voltage underground electrical networks (50 hours).
- UF0895: Maintenance of low voltage underground electrical networks (30 hours).
- MP0183: Module of non-labor professional practices of assembly and maintenance of low voltage electrical installations (80 hours).