Solid Edge Course


Solid Edge Course

Learn to handle this mechanical design program

description: Solid Edge Course

Today the manual delineation of projects is obsolete. It is true that we need to interpret and make plans to carry out projects, but the way of doing it has changed. The most advanced companies have powerful design and production tools to create virtual models used to automate all subsequent tasks.

Solid Edge 3D  is a revolutionary way of understanding design, which automatically transfers any changes made to a document to all related documents (plans, user or maintenance manuals, etc.).

With the Solid Edge course you will    learn to design parts, assemblies in 3D and translate it quickly, with absolutely precise control of the information. At the end of this  3d design course , you will be able to project parts, tools, machines, and installations with Solid Edge ST in 3D, see their designs as they will actually be before being built, carry out all the documentation with quick automation tools to generate – Views, Parts Lists, Exploded, Photorealism, Videos, etc. Likewise, you will have controlled and updated all the information of the projects carried out.

course objectives: Solid Edge Course

You will learn to:

  • Make sketches correctly
  • Design parts in 3D
  • Make multi-piece assemblies and subsets
  • Produce drawings for parts and assemblies in an automated way
  • Manage documentation created in projects
  • Make photorealistic presentations and videos of the designed products

professional outings: Solid Edge Course

With this course you will be able to train to work as:

  • Draftsman
  • Draftsman designer
  • Designer
  • Technical Office Director
  • Model maker

San Jorge University degree

Upon successful completion of the course, you will obtain a Solid Edge Course  qualification issued by  Universidad San Jorge  (6 ECTS credits).

previous requirements

To access one of our  Technical Courses  , one of the following requirements must be met:

  • Being over 18 years

In this case, the title of Technical Course is issued indicating the content and duration of the study in hours. It does not award ECTS.

Or meet one of the following requirements:

  • Be in possession of the Bachelor’s degree or declared equivalent. Also graduates in European Baccalaureate and International Baccalaureate, or equivalent to baccalaureate degrees from educational systems of member states of the European Union or other non-member states
  • Be in possession of a qualification of Superior Technician of Professional Training, or of Superior Technician in Plastic Arts and Design or Superior Sports Technician
  • Be over 25 years of age with at least 1 year of accredited professional experience related to the content of the training
  • Be a university graduate

In any of these cases, the title of Technical Course is issued indicating the content, duration in hours of study and ECTS credits awarded.

teaching materials

SEAS courses prepare you to master the essential operations in your area, providing you with all the necessary tools to do so. In addition, they give you access to your  own virtual classroom  with live classes through Webinars and guarantee specific practices of your specialty.

You will learn to work with:

Solid Edge version 2020  *, Siemens 3D CAD software.

* Solid Edge can run on:

– Windows 10 Enterprise or Professional (64-bit only) version 1709 or later

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