1 \ Agenda

The  syllabus of the Physics and Chemistry Exams  is made up of  75 topics  that you will have updated, in paper format and online. In addition, in the virtual campus, you will have summaries and concept maps that will help you with your study.

  1. Main conceptions of science. The big changes: the scientific revolutions. Science as a process in continuous construction: some example in physics or chemistry. Scientists and their social conditioning. Scientific attitudes in everyday life.
  2. Key moments in the development of physics and chemistry. Main scientists or groups of scientists involved. Priority physical and chemical problems in current research.
  3. Physical and chemical quantities. International System of Units. Measure. Methods for estimating uncertainty in carrying out measurements and in determining results.
  4. Kinematics. Elements for the description of the movement. Movements of special interest. Methods for the experimental study of movement.
  5. Historical evolution of the force-motion relationship. Particle dynamics. Newton’s laws. Conservation principle of linear momentum. Applications.
  6. Rotational motion of a particle. Kinematics and dynamics. Conservation of angular momentum. Application to the movement of the stars.
  7. Dynamics of a system of particles. Linear and angular moments. Conservation principles. Energy of a system of particles. Work-energy relationship.
  8. The problem of the position of the Earth in the universe. Geocentric and heliocentric systems. Theory of universal gravitation. Applications. Historical importance of the unification of terrestrial and celestial gravitation.
  9. Statics of rigid bodies. Equilibrium conditions. Machines Influence on social development.
  10. Fluid statics. Atmospheric pressure. Different approaches in the history of science around the vacuum. Methods for the experimental study of pressure.
  11. Fluid dynamics. The continuity equation. Bernouilli’s equation. Laminar and turbulent regime. Applications to technological devices of interest and to the functioning of the human cardiovascular system.
  12. Ideal gases. An interpretive model for gases, kinetic theory. Deviations from the ideal behavior: real gases. A model for all matter. Energy exchanges in state changes.
  13. Physics of the atmosphere. Atmospheric phenomena. Meteorological observation. Terrestrial energy balance. Protective role of the atmosphere. Alterations due to contamination. Measures for your protection.
  14. Energy and its transfer. Work-energy relationship. Principle of conservation of energy. Evolution in the energy needs of society. Environmental repercussions. Alternative energies.
  15. Internal energy. Heat and temperature. Historical development of the concept of heat. Thermal equilibrium. Heat spread. Effects of heat on bodies. Conductors and insulators. Applications.
  16. Heat and work in thermodynamic processes. First Law of Thermodynamics. Application to thermal machines and chemical reactions. Energy efficiency.
  17. Entropy Second principle of thermodynamics. Issues related to the second principle: order and disorder, spontaneity of reactions.
  18. Waves in elastic media. Energy they carry. Characteristic phenomena. Principle of superposition. Experimental methods for its study. Sound as an example of longitudinal waves. Noise pollution.
  19. electrical nature of matter. Electrostatics. Discontinuity and conservation of the load. Conservative nature of the electrostatic field. Energy study of electrical interaction.
  20. Electric current. DC circuits. Conservation of energy: Ohm’s law. Use of multimeters.
  21. Magnetic field. Non-conservative nature of the magnetic field. Generation of magnetic fields and effects on moving charges. Application to technological devices.
  22. Time dependent electric and magnetic fields. Laws of Maxwel. Electromagnetic induction. Mutual induction. Autoinduction.
  23. Generation of alternating currents. Generators and motors. Transformers and transport of electric current. Influence of electricity on changing living conditions.
  24. Important elements in electrical circuits: resistors, coils and capacitors. Its role in direct and alternating current circuits. Stored or transformed energy.
  25. Electromagnetic waves. Origin and properties. Energy and momentum in electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic spectra. Applications. Protection measures when appropriate.
  26. Geometric optics. Fermat’s principle. Imaging on mirrors and lenses. Analysis and construction of optical instruments. The eye and vision defects.
  27. Physical optics. Properties of light waves. Observation in the laboratory. Physical theory of color. Spectrophotometry.
  28. Historical development of the unification of electricity, magnetism and optics.
  29. Limitations of classical physics. Relativistic mechanics. Postulates of special relativity. Some implications of relativistic physics.
  30. Quantum theory. Precursor problems. Limits of classical physics to solve them. Phenomena that corroborate the quantum theory.
  31. Controversy over the nature of light. Wave-corpuscle duality. Experiences that show it. Radiation-matter interaction. Uncertainty relationships.
  32. Material systems. Mixtures, pure substances and elements. Physical and chemical transformations. Procedures for separating the components of a mixture and of a compound. Chemical language: IUPAC standards.
  33. Dalton’s atomic theory. Principle of conservation of mass. Weight and volumetric laws. Avogadro’s hypothesis. Stoichiometry.
  34. Atomic models. Historical evolution and justifications for each modification.
  35. The atomic nucleus. Models. Binding energy. Natural radioactivity. Artificial radioactivity. Applications of radioactivity in different fields. Security measures.
  36. Fundamental forces of nature: gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak. Involved particles. Current state of the unification theories.
  37. Nuclear energy. Mass-energy conservation principle. Nuclear fission and fusion. Its use. Current situation. Nuclear waste problem.
  38. Elementary particles. Current status of your study. Fundamental particles constitutive of the atom. From the microcosm to the macrocosm. Theories about the formation and evolution of the universe.
  39. Solar system. Position astronomy phenomena. Observation and measurement in astrophysics. Stellar evolution. Structure and composition of the universe.
  40. Historical evolution of the classification of chemical elements. Periodicity of the properties and relationship with the electronic configuration. Experimental study of some of the periodic properties.
  41. The chemical bond. Energy aspects. Classification of bonds according to the electronegativity of the atoms that form them. Study of the type of bond according to the properties of the substances.
  42. Covalent bond: molecular orbitals. Energy diagrams. Molecular geometry. Structure and properties of covalent substances.
  43. Intermolecular forces. Energy aspects. Molecular solids. Justification of the anomalous properties of water and its importance for life.
  44. Ionic substances. Energetic aspects in the formation of ionic crystals. Recognition and use of ionic compounds.
  45. Band theory. Conductive, semiconductor and insulating character of the different substances. Superconductivity. Importance of semiconductors and superconductors in new technologies.
  46. Metals Different group’s characteristics. Obtaining and properties. Compounds originating and applications. Alloys Economic interest of some of them.
  47. Non-metallic elements. Different group’s characteristics. Obtaining and properties. Compounds originating and applications.
  48. Transition elements. Characteristics and properties of the most important. Coordination compounds. Theories about its formation.
  49. Solutions Laws of dilute solutions. Colligative properties. Real solutions. Electrolyte solutions. Experimental study of the electrical behavior of an electrolyte.
  50. Kinetics of chemical reactions. Molecular shock theories and transition state theory. Reaction speed and factors on which it depends. Practical methods for its determination.
  51. Characteristics of catalytic phenomena and effects on activation energy. Applications in industry. Nature and catalytic properties of enzymes.
  52. Energy and chemical transformations. Thermochemical equations. Methods for calculating heats and reaction.
  53. Entropy of a chemical system. Gibbs free energy and spontaneity of chemical reactions. Relationship between the variation of free energy and chemical equilibrium.
  54. Chemical balance. Equilibrium constant. External modifications of heterogeneous equilibria.
  55. Acids and bases. Theories. PH measurements. Indicators. Procedures for the experimental performance of an acid-base titration curve. Hydrolysis. Buffer solutions. Acid rain and pollution.
  56. Inorganic acids of industrial importance. Obtaining, structure, properties and applications. Safety regulations in the use and transport of acids.
  57. Concepts of oxidation and reduction. Redox reactions. Some redox process of industrial interest (batteries and electrolytic cells, corrosion and ways to avoid it, metallurgy and iron and steel industry).
  58. Main chemical processes in water and air. Influence on the environment. Water, a limited resource: pollution and purification. Procedures for determining air and water contamination.
  59. Carbon chemistry. Carbon structure and bonds. Nomenclature. Isomerism. Experimental verification of optical activity.
  60. Types of organic reactions. Reaction mechanisms. Analysis of characteristic cases.
  61. Methods used in the identification of organic compounds: qualitative and quantitative analysis. Structural analysis by spectrographic methods
  62. Hydrocarbons. Characteristics, nomenclature, obtaining and properties. Identification in the laboratory of alkenes and alkynes.
  63. Petroleum chemistry. Derivative products and their usefulness in today’s world. Contamination derived from its use and current regulations. Comparison, in its use as fuel, with water and coal.
  64. Oxygenated and nitrogenous functions. Characteristics, nomenclature, obtaining and properties. Verification of its main properties in the laboratory. Industrial importance.
  65. Aromatic compounds. Benzene: structure, production and properties. Other aromatic compounds of industrial interest.
  66. Organic compounds of biological importance. Chemical composition and biological function. Food and health.
  67. Natural polymers. Properties and applications. Methods for obtaining synthetic polymers. Use in today’s world and recycling problems.
  68. The rocks and the fundamental minerals of the Spanish relief, properties and economic importance. Geomorphology. The modeling of the relief and the factors that condition it. The soil, components, destruction and recovery.
  69. The origin of the Earth. Structure and composition of the Earth. Orogenic theories. Continental drift. Global interpretation of geological phenomena in light of the theory of plate tectonics.
  70. The Earth a planet in constant change. Fossils as indicators. Geological time. Historical explanations to the problem of changes. Evolution, mechanisms and tests.
  71. The origin of life. The cell theory. The chemical basis of life. The cell and its organelles. Energy needs, cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Cell division. Chromosomes and the transmission of inheritance. Mutations. Cell sensitivity. Unicellular beings.
  72. Multicellular beings. Autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition. Sexual and asexual reproduction. The perception of stimuli and the elaboration of responses. The diversity of living beings: the great models of organization of plants and animals. Importance of animals and plants in everyday life.
  73. Ecology. Populations, communities and ecosystems. Components and interactions in an ecosystem. Functioning and self-regulation of the ecosystem. The main environmental problems and their political, economic and social repercussions. Environmental education.
  74. Health and illness. Human nutrition and food. Human reproduction and sexuality. The relationship and human coordination. Mental health. The main health problems of today’s society. The healthy lifestyles.
  75. Experimental work in the area of ​​science. Use of the school laboratory. Safety rules.

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