Course for opposition of Teacher of Infantile Education


Course for opposition of Teacher of Infantile Education

description: Course for opposition of Teacher of Infantile Education

The entrance exams to  Teacher of Early Childhood Education  are the opportunity you have been waiting for to work with children and develop their creativity and knowledge.  Frequent calls  and with a  large number of places  so that you can dedicate yourself to your vocation: the education of children. The little ones are waiting for you!

Thanks to this preparation, you will be able to achieve your goal and  turn your passion into your profession. You will achieve a  fixed position ,  well paid  and in which you have options for  internal promotion  and  salary increase  according to your seniority.

As a teacher of Early Childhood Education you will develop the following functions:

  • Organize the classroom and plan daily classes.
  • Help children to know how to identify and manage their different emotions.
  • Organize and distribute the time adapting to the specific needs of the students.
  • Apply the rules of conduct promoting respect for others.
  • Putting into practice and promoting autonomy and personal hygiene.
  • Encourage creativity.
  • Prepare materials and create didactic and pedagogical resources.
  • Identify students with specific needs and provide additional support if needed.
  • Work and coordinate with other professionals such as psychopedagogues and social workers.
  • Inform families, call parent meetings, and attend faculty meetings.

In general, these are some of the attractive advantages that holding an official position as a Teacher of Early Childhood Education offers you:

  • Workstation with maximum stability.
  • Salaries from € 2000 per month . 
  • 12 pays and 2 extra pays
  • Holidays and business days ( 40 days minimum per year).
  • Triennia.  5% salary increases for seniority.
  • Possibilities for internal promotion .
  • Possibility of leaves of absence .

Study method: Course for opposition of Teacher of Infantile Education

Your preparation will follow an own work method developed by our  experts in competitive examinations , which will multiply your chances of passing.

This T 3 Cubed method   consists of a study  itinerary  divided into 4 fields of work: Syllabus, Didactic Programming, Practical Cases and Legislation.

Practical cases

We will give you the guidelines for you to develop a  practical case , proposing its structure and resolution. We will provide you with:

  • Basic work diagrams with the steps to follow.
  • Tips and Strategies to deal with practical cases.
  • Possible themes.
  • Resolved cases and exam models from previous calls from different Autonomous Communities.
  • Support book.

Access tests

The selection procedure for the Mossos d’Esquadra call  consists of the following phases:

  • 1st Phase of Opposition:

In this phase, your knowledge about the specialty of Early Childhood Education will be evaluated. It consists of two parts:

First part:  You must demonstrate the specific knowledge of your specialty by passing a written test.

Second part:  You will have to prepare and present a didactic program before the opposition court.

  • Competition Phase 2: 

The merits that you have claimed will be valued and verified: academic training and previous teaching experience.

  • 3rd Phase of Practices:

If you pass the two previous phases, you will become a trainee civil servant. You will be assigned a destination and upon completion you will be appointed a career officer.


previous requirements


You must have the Spanish nationality, of another Member State of the European Union or  of any other of the States to which the free movement of workers applies.


You must be  16 years old  and not exceed the maximum retirement age  . 


  • Not having been separated from the service through a  disciplinary file  from any Public Body
  • Not being  disqualified  for the performance of public functions of any of the Public Administrations.
  • Not having been convicted by  final judgment  for a crime against sexual freedom and indemnity.
  • Not be  a career civil servant , trainee or pending appointment in the same Body to which you intend to enter.


  • Title  of Master or equivalent Bachelor ‘s degree.
  • Title  of Diploma in General Education Teacher Basic.
  • Title  of Teacher of Primary Education.
  • If applicable, prove  knowledge or qualification  of the official language of the corresponding Autonomous Community.


Not suffering from illness or being affected by  physical or mental limitations incompatible  with the performance of the teaching practice.

teaching materials

  • Pedagogical advice form.
  • Steps to develop a Didactic Programming.
    • Initial guidelines.
    • Introduction and Justification.
    • Contextualization.
    • Attention to diversity. NEAE.
    • Relationship with the elements of the Curriculum.
    • Didactic methodology.
    • Temporalization.
    • Development of the Didactic Units.
      • How to develop a Teaching Unit.
      • Examples of Didactic Units.
      • Templates.
    • Evaluation.
    • Conclusions.
    • Main documentary sources.
    • Annexes.
  • Defense of Didactic Programming and Didactic Units.
  • Support book.


  • You will have ONE TO ONE virtual sessions at your disposal with your specialist teacher who will advise you at all times on your Didactic Programming and will answer all the questions and aspects you need.
  • In addition, at the end of your training, you will carry out a mock oral and written exam before a court, as it will be in your opposition so that you arrive as well prepared as possible.

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