1 \ Constitutional Law


1 \ Constitutional Law

1. The Spanish Constitution of 1978.
2. The Constitutional Court.
3. The Cortes Generales and the Ombudsman. 4. The Judicial Power.
5. The Government and the Administration.
6. The General State Administration.
7. The territorial organization of the State.
8. Organization of the European Union.

2 \ Administrative Law: 1 \ Constitutional Law

1. Submission of the Administration to the Law and the Law.

2. The administrative legal relationship.

3. The administrative act. Concept, classes and elements. 4. Administrative procedure.

5. The special administrative procedures. The sanctioning power and the sanctioning administrative procedure. Administrative procedure specialties at the local level.

6. Forms of administrative action, with special reference to local administration.

7. The Spanish Local Regime.

8. The Municipality.

9. The Province.

10. Other Local Entities.

11. Personnel at the service of Local Entities.

12. Specialty of the Local Police personnel regime. Training, selection, promotion and mobility. Rights and duties. Disciplinary regime.

13. The Local Treasuries.

3 \ Legal Status

1. Common Statutory Provisions.

2. The Police of the Autonomous Communities. Collaboration and coordination between the State and the Autonomous Communities.

3. The Local Police. Functions. The Local Security Boards.

4. The Judicial Police. The performance of the Local Police as Judicial, habeas corpus, the report, the arrest, the deposit of detainees, and legal assistance to the detainee.

5. Organic Law 4/2015, of March 30, on the Protection of Citizen Security. Law 17/2015, of July 9, on the National Civil Protection System.

4 \ Social Subjects

1. Comprehensive protection measures against gender violence. Guiding principles. Awareness, prevention and detection. Rights of women victims of gender violence. Regulatory framework and actions aimed at promoting equality between men and women.

2. Entry, free movement and residence in Spain of citizens of the Member States of the European Union and of other States party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration. The entry and exit of the Spanish territory. The authorization of stay and residence.

3. Of the infractions in the matter of foreigners and its sanctioning regime. Types of offenses: Minor offenses, serious offenses and very serious offenses. Sanctions Prescription of infractions and sanctions. Effects of expulsion and return. Effects of refusal of entry.

4. Drug addiction. Concepts of drug, consumer, methods of administration, addiction, dependence, tolerance, polydrug. Classification of drugs. Latest trends in drug use in our society.

5. Deontology.

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