Course for opposition of Mossos d’Esquadra


Course for opposition of Mossos d’Esquadra

description: Course for opposition of Mossos d’Esquadra

The opposition to  Mossos d’Esquadra  offer you the possibility of starting a professional career in the State Security Forces and Bodies. Get a  civil servant position  with extensive salary and employment benefits.

With this preparation you can  turn your passion into your profession  and apply to one of the  frequent  calls that come out every year in Catalonia  to access a job with  maximum stability,  great employment benefits and great social responsibility.

There are many specialties within these oppositions:


  • Protection of people and property.
  • Protection of buildings.
  • Investigation.
  • Patrols


  • Work in collaboration with judges and prosecutors in the investigation and discovery of crimes.


  • Ensure compliance with traffic and circulation regulations.

In general, these are some of the attractive advantages that holding a position as a regional official such as squad Mosso offers you:

  • Workstation with maximum stability.
  • Salaries from € 1800 per month . 
  • 12 pays and 2 extra pays
  • Shift schedules
  • Holidays and business days ( 40 days minimum per year).
  • Triennia. Salary increases  due to seniority.
  • Possibilities of internal promotion from the first year with reserved places.
  • Possibility of leaves of absence .

Access tests: Course for opposition of Mossos d’Esquadra

The selection procedure for the Mossos d’Esquadra call  consists of the following phases:

  • 1st Phase:

First exercise: It consists of three tests.

  • Multiple choice test with 30 questions on the syllabus.
  • Psychotechnical test battery.
  • Personality questionnaire.

Second exercise:  physical tests.

Third exercise:  psycho-professional adaptation. Composed of a psychotechnical test and an interview aimed at evaluating the adequacy of the participant’s characteristics in relation to the functions to be performed.

Fourth exercise:  knowledge of the Catalan language.

  • 2nd Phase: 

Training course at the Institut de Seguretat Pública de Catalunya.

  • 3rd Phase:

Practice period.

previous requirements


You must have Spanish nationality . 

  • AGE

You must be  18 years old  and not exceed the maximum retirement age  . 


You cannot have been convicted of   malicious crimes or separated from the service of the State, the Autonomous, Local or Institutional Administration, nor find yourself disqualified from the exercise of public functions.

Not be included in any  cause of medical exclusion  of those that appear in the call and not have any  exclusive disease .


Be in possession of the Bachelor’s Degree, Technical or equivalent .

You must be in possession of a   class B driving license and accredit the  C1 level of Catalan  or take the corresponding test in the selection process.


You cannot be included in any of the causes of  physical or mental exclusion  that impede or impair your functional or operational capacities for your performance as a National Police (established in Annex III of the call)

    • Have a  Quetelet  body mass index between 18.5 and 30.
    • Be in possession of a   class B vehicle driving license .
    • Commitment to bear arms by means of an  affidavit .

teaching materials


  • Personalized training   tailored to your specific physical needs. A  Personal Trainner keeps  track of your workouts and motivates you to achieve the  marks  you need to pass your opposition.



  • Preparation for the last phase of the opposition. We give you the keys you need to improve your  oral expression  and  non-verbal communication. You put everything you’ve learned to the test in a  simulated interview  with an  exam expert .



  • Knowing languages ​​is a key point in training to be a civil servant. With  Campus Training  you can learn English.



  • You will have at your disposal the corresponding Statute of autonomy for the study.



  • A specialist teacher guides you and gives you all the keys and tricks to  get the most out  of these two programs.



  • They are essential for the preparation of an opposition! You will learn from  how to exercise your memory  to the best techniques to learn entire chapters of a book.



  • A specialist teacher performs real psychotechnical tests live and explains  the logic  of each exercise.

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