Courses to prepare the civil guard exams


Courses to prepare the civil guard exams

Do you want to be part of the  State Security Forces and Bodies ? In Maestralia you will be able to train to approve the civil guard oppositions in your community, get a fixed and stable place.

Take a look at our preparation courses for the Civil Guard exams and train in the best training centers.

You will find a  wide range of preparation courses  to get a place as a civil servant in the Benemérita , with multiple options to adapt to your needs and preferences. Whether you start from scratch or if you already have experience and want to specialize, in our catalog you will find the training you are looking for. Use our search engine to filter courses by academic level, study modality or training centers, and consult all their characteristics (payment method, syllabus, job bank …).

Prepare the Civil Guard oppositions and get your place: Courses to prepare the civil guard exams

Get your place in the  State Security Forces and Corps  studying at your own pace with these  civil guard exam preparation courses . These trainings have all the necessary preparation to train you in this job and pass the entrance exams. You will be able to dedicate yourself professionally to ensuring the safety of citizens, compliance with the laws and public order, in any of the multiple positions offered in each call. These courses have updated syllabi adapted to each examination session.

Approves the tests for the Civil Guard oppositions: Courses to prepare the civil guard exams

With these trainings you will multiply your chances of passing the oppositions and  getting a civil guard position , taking advantage of all the social benefits that it entails: greater job stability compared to the private sector, good remuneration, flexible hours to reconcile your personal life with your professional life, possibility of requesting leave of absence, own days, moscosos and real possibilities of internal promotion. 

Requirements to oppose Civil Guard: Courses to prepare the civil guard exams

To be able to present yourself to a call for the Civil Guard tests, you must comply with:

  • Have  Spanish nationality  and be between 18 and 40 years old .
  • Possess a  Compulsory Secondary Education certificate  or equivalent and a  type B driving license .
  • Not having a criminal record or being prosecuted or prosecuted for a fraudulent crime. Nor have he been disqualified for the service of the public administration.
  • Accept the commitment to carry weapons  and their use.
  • Possess the necessary physical aptitudes.
  • Lack of tattoos  against constitutional values, the Civil Guard, that contain discriminatory reasons or that are visible with the uniforms.

Civil Guard oppositions agenda

The syllabus that you will have to study will change depending on the call, that is why it is important to take a course that provides you with an updated syllabus that will allow you to prepare for the first exam of the oppositions.

In the syllabus of the civil guard oppositions, you will train among other topics in the Spanish Constitution and all questions of legislation, geography and history, law, mathematics, Spanish literature, physics and chemistry, English and spelling.

Places and call

For the civil guard calls in 2021, 2,091 places have been summoned according to the publication of the BOE .

How are the tests of the Civil Guard oppositions?

The tests to get your place as a Civil Guard can be varied and are divided into 4 main tests:

  • Theoretical test: composed of the spelling test, foreign language test, test of knowledge of the syllabus and psychotechnical test.
  • Physical tests: divided into test of speed, swimming, upper body and muscular endurance.
  • Personal interview
  • Medical examination

How much does a civil guard earn?

The average salary of a civil guard depends on many factors and complements of seniority, travel, shifts, etc. Thus, a civil guard will earn an average salary of 1500 euros.

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