Auxiliary Care and Nursing Technician


Auxiliary Care and Nursing Technician

description: Auxiliary Care and Nursing Technician

The work of the Nursing Assistant, the professional dedicated to assisting individuals and groups with a focus on health, is essential as a member of the nursing team. The subjects covered in this course focus on Health Care and Clinical Care.

If you are attracted to health care, Nursing Assistant is one of the most demanded profiles in the health area.

With the training of Technician in Auxiliary Care and Nursing you will be fully prepared to take the  free Professional Training tests under Royal Decree 1147/2011  and obtain the official title.

With this training you will have a personalized study plan adapted to your study rhythm. In addition, you will have several channels for you to make all the queries you need and a continuous evaluation system that will ensure that you are successful in your training and that you have assimilated all the concepts before moving on to the next lesson.

course objectives: Auxiliary Care and Nursing Technician

Upon completion of this course, you will have learned to:

  • Prepare the materials and process the information of the consultation in the areas of its competence.
  • Apply auxiliary nursing care to the patient.
  • Take care of the sanitary conditions of the patient’s environment and of the sanitary material / instruments used in the different consultations.
  • Collaborate in the provision of mental care to the patient / client by applying, at their level, the application of psychological support and health education techniques.
  • Perform instrumentation tasks in oral health equipment.

job opportunities: Auxiliary Care and Nursing Technician

Once your course is finished you will be able to exercise your professional activity in the health sector in:

  • Primary and community care : home, health promotion, consultations and nursing homes.
  • Specialized care : consultations, hospitalization, emergencies, pediatrics, special units, etc.
  • Health centers, balneotherapy centers, departments of Social Affairs, Autonomous Communities and Town Halls.

Professional practices

With this course you will carry out official practices that provide you with free access via FP and, in addition, you will carry out practices organized by Campus Training , which will give you an added advantage to become a professional in the health sector. 


With this preparation you will be able to obtain the official Title of  Technician in Auxiliary Care and Nursing. In addition, you will obtain the following private degrees:

  • Diploma in Auxiliary Nursing Care (provided by Campus Training).
  • Medium Degree FP Title in Nursing Auxiliary Care.
  • Accreditation of Occupational Risk Prevention (basic level).
  • Food Handler Accreditation.
  • Accreditation of the chosen language.

previous requirements

To take the free tests of Auxiliary Care Technician and Nursing you must comply with:

  • AGE

You must be 18 years old , and have one of the following qualifications:


Graduate Degree in Compulsory Secondary Education , or a higher academic level.

Baccalaureate degree , or a certificate certifying having passed all the Baccalaureate subjects.

Title of Technician  or Auxiliary Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.

Title of Superior Technician, Specialist Technician or equivalent for academic purposes.

Having passed the second year of any type of  experimental Baccalaureate, Middle Grade training cycle or the University entrance exams for those over 25 years of age .

The calls for free tests depend on each Autonomous Community. They are held once a year on an ordinary basis and, in many cases, an extraordinary call is held.

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