SEO for Ecommerce: strategies for online stores


SEO for Ecommerce: strategies for online stores

These are 8 SEO tips that will help you position your e-commerce in the first place of the search engine.

SEO for Ecommerce: strategies for online stores


Search engine optimization is the bread and butter of e-commerce in Peru and around the world, but of course, a series of guide-like steps must be followed so that the true results of SEO for e-commerce can be seen. Long before the pandemic, online stores were already optimizing their web pages to make themselves known to the world, and now that e-commerce is boosting it is more important to take into account certain strategies to go one step ahead of your competition and offer a good experience to your customers. 

 And rest assured, you have nothing to fear from SEO for E-commerce, it is a faithful friend that if you learn to apply it, you will become more fond of it than your best friend. Before starting in-depth to answer the How to do SEO for Ecommerce? We will take the first step by defining a little the function of SEO in e-commerce.

SEO for eCommerce 

SEO for e-commerce is the optimization of content on all the pages of your website. The main task is to guarantee the optimization not only of the copy but also of the correct choice of keywords or keywords with which you want to position. Followed by a full audit of your page to make sure you are meeting the optimal descriptions for all of your products. 

SEO for online stores is a bit more originality than methods, the steps are mostly guided by the existing online sales platforms, so if you can master them and apply SEO to them it will be wonderful. But it must also be a work guided by the quality of your meta titles, descriptions, and titles, in addition to the veracity so that your page is generating authority. And even if it means spending a little more time on the page, I know that every second spent on your e-commerce will be worth it. 

With a good SEO strategy for e-commerce, the traffic of your account can also experience growth and if you make sure that the content of your pages is created to inform and correctly delight the user, you can also reduce the rebound effect of it. In this way, SEO for e-commerce can be understood as a series of tools that will allow you to reach more, but that you must be the main responsible for them staying with you. Like when an ad is placed in the newspaper and you wait for them to contact you to offer them your product. Then it is also important to give merit to Inbound Marketing in the strategy. 

SEO strategy for e-commerce

Surely you have already read many references about SEO for e-commerce, but before saturating yourself with information that can sometimes be confusing, I am going to detail a list of steps that you should take to optimize your e-commerce and not die trying: 

  • Research of Keywords or Keywords 
  • The correct choice of Keywords 
  • How often should keywords be typed?
  • Complete inventory of the website 
  • Optimization of meta titles, descriptions, and titles
  • URL optimization
  • Category optimization
  • Image optimization

To make much of this list, it is necessary that you have access to a keyword search tool. Of course there are several that allow you to also carry out a decent audit of your website, such as Ahrefs, SEMRush and even the Google Keyword Planner. And although they all need a previous configuration with an account and user, they are quite intuitive to carry out the searches and up to two of them allow you to visualize your level of competition to know what you are facing online. 

Keyword Research: SEO for an Ecommerce

People usually use tags to be found on the web, these tags will be your keywords and you will have to choose them according to your category. Google Keyword Planner tells you to always put a word that defines your e-commerce and from there it helps you with synonyms for that keyword. So do the tools: Ahrefs and SemRush. 

Another alternative way of launching into the search for potential keywords is to do a manual content search, thus seeing the pages that occupy the first places of the search engines and the tags they use. Then the next step is the correct choice of Keywords.

Choice of Keywords for an Ecommerce 

The most common error of many e-commerce is the bad choice of keywords or keywords, and with this, I do not mean that they do not know how to categorize their item online. Rather, it takes a little more work for them to target the right keywords to make themselves known. In this way, if we want to apply SEO for e-commerce, it is necessary to know how to choose the keywords to effectively position the content. 

Here we must take into account the number of searches that a word has to know its level of difficulty. For example, if you are starting with e-commerce of food for vegetarians, surely you will choose all the keywords that name the word ¨Vegetarian food ¨, but you must return your main keyword to the one with which you can position yourself and not die trying. 

That is, do not choose keywords with a large search volume, because generally, the web pages you compete with are already five steps ahead of you. Of course, this is just advice that you can follow if you want because we can all bet on the big fish from time to time. Then we can move on with a frequently asked question with SEO for e-commerce: 

How often should keywords be typed? 

The idea is not about optimizing your content, there is no specific study on the number of times you should repeat the keywords in a text. But what I can tell you is that Google does not do the positioning by checking the density of keywords that you use in your SEO strategy for e-commerce in a percentage way, but rather in a logarithmic way.

In this way, it is recommended that you use keywords to tag or guide the content of your texts and not only to make them the protagonists of your entire content topic. Use tips such as the application of those Keywords found in your SERP`s, but point only to the most important one. Don’t try to compete with multiple keywords, but rather use their variations or synonyms. So there is no amount to specify what you should use, just don’t try to exceed the number of keywords you use due to the size of your text. Remember that these are tags that help the Google search engine to find your website online, but if it sees that you try to “Play dirty” it will take you out of the game and penalize you in the last places. 

Website inventory 

In this way we can continue with another search as an SEO strategy for e-commerce, which I call a complete inventory of your website. It is not then about making sure that all your products are loaded, but rather about reviewing each page of your website and seeing that they individually comply with the Keywords that you want to position and that their content is optimized to achieve specific objectives.

Sometimes the first page of a website is the one that steals all eyes. But since everything can not be a facade, search engines make sure that your e-commerce has the basic navigation things before considering you safe and useful. In this way it is necessary that you start working with HTTPs instead of HTTP, the first is a secure hypertext transfer protocol, which is usually used by accounts that handle personal data such as credit card data. 

So as a tip: use a secure information protocol throughout your e-commerce. In this way, an alert message will not reach the user and you can also make sure that they can make purchases in your electronic commerce without feeling insecure about leaving their data in the hands of your team.  

Optimization of meta titles, descriptions, and titles

Then make sure to properly optimize your meta titles, descriptions, and the titles of your website with the correct extension of words and the use of the main keyword. For this step of SEO for e-commerce, you can use external SERP tools that will guide you in the creation of the texts and statements. 

The description should not exceed 160 and the title should not exceed 70 characters. They must be eye-catching and seek the user’s click, but above all, it must be real. Make sure to create a unique piece by piece, because people often look at product descriptions before they buy, followed by searching for actual images of what they will receive. In this way, try not to copy and paste features of your products from other websites, but rather to create original ads based on the brand information of the product. 

In search engines you have the option to position yourself by your content and by your images, do not miss the opportunity to aim to achieve the objectives in both, because that is a fundamental part of SEO for e-commerce. If your website wants to compete with pages with greater authority, it is a very good option to also try to highlight your images and that they are the ones that tell the user that you are different from others. 

URL optimization for an e-commerce

The fun part of SEO strategies is creating optimal links, and for that composition, it is necessary that you rule out in the audit that all your pages have short, clear-readable links and that they do not contain spaces, continuous numbers or signs such as the at. Why? Because the pages are clearer when from the link you point to what you want to achieve. 

Although it may be a bit more work, as part of another SEO strategy for e-commerce you should make sure that all your pages have proper URLs and go with the content theme. Also that they do not have any of the aforementioned characteristics – @ (). It makes permanent links follow the basic structure: the name of the content – the category it belongs to and its subcategory if it has one. 

 Category optimization for SEO Ecommerce

 It ensures that each product is on the right page and that its category is according to what it really is. Nobody likes to go to a web page search engine and not find exactly the products they are looking for or similar. This is often seen as an error on the page and makes navigating the page more tedious. To do this audit you can review the URLs of the products one by one and make sure that the path is the correct one. It is important that each page has the appropriate category, sometimes this is a movement that you can copy from other web pages, seeing how they are categorizing the products you want to sell. 

Image optimization for SEO eCommerce

I confess that this is my favorite part of SEO for eCommerce because it offers the opportunity to differentiate yourself from the rest. You can highlight your images if they are your own, original, and optimized. To optimize them, you must make sure that they have the correct name, the alternative label filled and a good description is not too much. 

 In each of these specifications, you can also make sure to add the keywords, so that they can be associated with all the content. But without overdoing it, it is ideal that the description is in accordance with what you want to convey with the graphic material. 

SEO for online store 

Dear eCommerce, the quality of your content matters, it is also an essential piece to position yourself in the search engine. Do not be lazy when creating your website, you must get to work to ensure a unique experience for your users. In SEO for online stores, it is necessary to make content transparent and legible for your users, but above all useful.

Similarly, if you manage to adapt your website to different formats, you will be optimizing traffic to your e-commerce. But you should also make sure to create a large part of your descriptions and titles so that you can see good results. SEO for e-commerce is a useful tool that not only ends there, but you will have to modify as you grow and prepare to reach many more people over time. In such a way that you must also make sure that you do not have orphan content or duplicate. If this is your case, you will only have to do the correct integration of those pages. 

Orphan Content:

It is the content that does not have reference links to it or has broken links that can be considered as orphan content and it is possible that your website will be penalized for that. When you create a page, they generally use certain link strategies to create buttons that take users from one page to another with just one click. In this SEO strategy for eCommerce, you must make sure that you do not have pages without redirect links to them or that those links are misleading. 

For this, you can do a complete audit on your page and locate the links that are not working, place buttons to other content or make references in the texts with possible resolutions to other questions from users. Usually, this usually happens with the oldest content on your website.  

Duplicate Content:

Avoid writing about the same thing many times, do not try to compete for the same topic on your website. This can make search engines not pick any of them and skip your site. If necessary, you must unify them so that they can be viewed without competing. Likewise, with URLs, you can use the aforementioned tools like Ahrefs and SEMRush, to help you identify these duplicate pages. 

 Electronic commerce in Peru

 Commerce in Peru shot up in this labor break, which had to be met with the pandemic, but electronic commerce in Peru had a rise with this same paralysis and it is estimated that it will grow by 200% with the reactivation of activities. The reason? After this pandemic, the new reality demands that companies adapt to new security mechanisms and e-commerce allows people to continue making their lives “normal” from home. 

But at the same time, they must comply with a series of requirements so that their products reach the consumer safely. In addition to that, customer service is one of the points that eCommerce that begins to emerge as competition must take into account, this sense:

 How should e-commerce be optimized to provide a good service? 

  • No buyer likes not having an answer from the online store, so they should make an optimal journey to connect with their potential customers. 
  • Communication must be optimal at all times, but above all useful. 
  • Companies should be more rigorous with the photos of the items they claim to sell to avoid misunderstandings. 
  • The protection of the data of each client must be offered and protected by the company.
  • All must have their own delivery service. 

I hope you achieve all your goals and that after applying these 8 steps you can see the results materialized on the front page of the search engine.

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